Inguinal Canal, Scrotum, & Testis
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True / False: fetal testes are retroperitoneal in the posterior abdominal wall before they descend into the scrotum
Components of the superficial inguinal ring
Intercrural fibers
Lateral crus
Medial crus
Forms the medial border of the femoral canal
Lacunar ligament
Contents of inguinal canal
Spermatic cord / Round ligament of uterus
Cremasteric fascia / muscle
Ductus (vas) deferens
Artery of ductus deferens
Testicular a./v.
Pampiniform plexus
Ilioinguinal n.
Genital branch of genitofemoral n.
Round ligament of the uterus attachment
Attach within labia majora
Landmark - Deep inguinal ring
Superior to inguinal ligament
Medial to femoral a.
Lateral to inferior epigastric vessels
Midway between ASIS / pubic symphysis
Landmark - Superficial inguinal ring
Superior to the pubic tubercle
Medial to the femoral canal
Forms deep inguinal ring
Transversus abdominis m.
Forms superficial inguinal ring
External oblique aponeurosis
Innervates upper medial thigh and anterior scrotum
Ilioinguinal n. (L1)
How does the ilioinguinal n. enter the inguinal canal?
Enters between transversus abdominus / internal oblique mm.
Contraction of inguinal canal
Occurs w/ increased abdominal pressure
Prevents herniation of bowel
Origins of inferior epigastric vessels
Artery arises from
external iliac a.
Vein drains into
external iliac v.
Blood supply to the ductus deferens
Artery to ductus deferens (branch of inferior epigastric a.)
Origin of testicular a/v
Branch of lumbar aorta (supplies testicles)
Cremasteric reflex
Ilioinguinal n. (L1)
Genitofemoral n. (L2)
Innervates cremasteric muscle and lateral scrotum
Genital branch of
Genitofemoral n. (L1-L2)
Which muscle does not contribute anything to inguinal canal?
Transversus abdominis
Contributes fibers to the cremasteric muscle / fascia
Internal oblique
Contributes fibers to internal spermatic fascia
Transversalis fascia
Contributes fibers to external spermatic fascia
external oblique m.
What is the round ligament of the uterus a remnant of?
Floor of inguinal canal
Medial 1/2 of inguinal ligament
Lacunar ligament
Roof of inguinal canal
Arching fibers of
transversus abdominis / internal oblique mm.
on their way to form conjoint tendond
Anterior wall of inguinal canal
External oblique aponeurosis
Reinforced laterally by internal oblique
Posterior wall of inguinal canal
Transversalis fascia
Reinforced medially by conjoint tendon
What is the processes vaginalis? How do testes descend in relation to it?
Evagination of peritoneum into scrotum
Testes descend from posterior body wall posterior to processes vaginalis
(behind two layers of peritoneum)
Gubernaculum in adult testes
Gubernaculum guides testes as it descends
Remnant will help attach testes to scrotal wall
Remnants of the processes vaginalis
Obliterates except for visceral / parietal layers around the testes
(tunica vaginalis)
Contents of spermatic cord
External spermatic fascia
Cremasteric fascia
Genitofemoral n.
Internal spermatic fascia
Testicular a.
Pampiniform plexus
Ductus deferens (w/artery)
Lymphatics & ANS
Innervation of the testis
Testis innervated by ANS (T10 - L1/2)
Vagal parasympathetics! (nausea)
Visceral afferents (sympathetics) from T7
Pain fibers travel w/ sympathetics
Why is tunica vaginalis present only on anterolateral surface of testes?
Testes descended behind both layers of processes vaginalis
Tunica albuginea
"White tunic"
Thick CT deep to visceral layer of tunica vaginalis
What type of muscle makes the dartos muscle
smooth muscle
What type of muscle makes the cremasteric muscle
Skeletal muscle
Site of direct hernias
Hesselbach's traingle (medial to epigastric vessels)
Hernial coverings: direct vs. indirect
: covered by peritoneum
: covered by peritoneum and layers of spermatic cord
Card Set
Inguinal Canal, Scrotum, & Testis
Exam 3