CCNA Fastpassp

  1. List OSI Model Layers
    • Application (Layer 7)
    • Presentation (Layer 6)
    • Session (Layer 5)
    • Transport (Layer 4)
    • Network (Layer 3)
    • Data Link (Layer 2)
    • Physical (Layer 1)
  2. List DOD Model Layers
    • Process/Application
    • Host - to - Host
    • Internet
    • Network Access
  3. What OSI layers are parallel to the DOD Process/Application layer?
    • Application
    • Presentation
    • Session
  4. What DOD layer is parallel to the OSI Transport layer?
  5. What DOD Internet layers is parallel to what OSI layer?
  6. List Advantages of (Network) Referance Models
    • It divides the network communication process into smaller and simpler components,
    • thus aiding in component development, design, and troubleshooting.

    It allows multiple-vendor development through the standardization of network components.

    It encourages industry standardization by defining what functions occur at each layer of the model.

    It allows various types of network hardware and software to communicate.

    It prevents changes in one layer from affecting other layers, so it does not hamper development.
  7. Fill in the blank: OSI Model has ___ layers and divided into ___ groups. The groups are ____.
    • 7 layers
    • 2 groups
    • Upper Layer & Lower Layer
  8. OSI Layer 1 Name & Functions
    physical layer handles physical topology i.e. moving bits between devices, specifying voltage, wire speed and cable pin-outs
  9. OSI Layer 2 Name & Fucntion
    data link layer handles framing i.e. it combined packets into bytes and bytes into frames; it provideds access to media via MAC addresses; performs error detection but not correction
  10. OSI Layer 3 Name & Fuction
    network layer handles routing i.e. provides logical addressing and routing path determination
  11. OSI Layer 4 Name and Function
    transport layer handles end to end connection i.e. it provides reliable and unreliable delivery and performs error correction before retransmission
  12. OSI Layer 3 Name and Function
    the session layer handles dialog control i.e. it keeps different applications data separate
  13. OSI Layer 2 Name & Function
    presentatin layer handles data encryption, compression and translation services i.e. it presents data and handles processes such as encryption
  14. OSI Layer 1 Name and Function
    the application layer handles file, print, messaging, database and application services i.e. provides user interaface
  15. What protocols does the DOD Host-to-Host (OSI Transport) layer use?
    • TCP - transmission control protocol
    • UDP - user datagram protocol
  16. What does the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) do?
    • takes large blocks of information from an application & breaks them into segments.
    • numbers & sequences each segment a
    • after these segments are sent waits for an acknowledgment of the receiving end's
    • TCP virtual circuit session, retransmitting those that aren't acknowledged.
  17. What happens before a host transmits a segment down the network model?
    • a sender's TCP stack contacts the destination's TCP stack to establish a connection called a virtual circuit.
    • during initial handshake, 2 TCP layers agree on window size before the recipient's TCP sends ack
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CCNA Fastpassp
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