psych test 1

  1. In its early years, psychology focused on the study of ________; from the 1920s into the 1960s, American psychologists emphasized the study of ________.

  2. Which perspective is most concerned with the unique ways in which individuals interpret their own life experiences?

  3. Which psychological perspective is most likely to be concerned with identifying the powers and the limits of human reasoning?

  4. Which perspective would emphasize that the differing political and economic systems of the United States and China lead citizens of these two countries to adopt many different customs and attitudes?

  5. To say that "psychology is a science" means that:

  6. In a class lecture, Professor Hampton emphasized the extent to which abnormal body chemistry can contribute to psychological disorders. The professor's lecture highlighted a ________ perspective on psychological disorders.

  7. Mark believes that people's dislike of bitter-tasting foods is an inherited trait because it has enhanced human survival. His belief best illustrates the ________ perspective.

  8. The behavioral perspective is most likely to emphasize the importance of:

  9. Dr. MacPherson believes that the way students attend to, organize, and think about the information in their textbooks will strongly influence their ability to later remember and use what they have studied. Dr. MacPherson's ideas most directly exemplify the ________ perspective.

  10. Which psychological perspective is most likely to examine how group membership influences individual attitudes and behaviors?

  11. Dr. Howard conducts basic research on the relative effectiveness of massed practice and spaced practice on a person's ability to remember information. Dr. Howard is most likely a ________ psychologist.

  12. Mrs. Alfieri believes that her husband's irritability toward her results from his unconscious feelings of hostility toward his own mother. Mrs. Alfieri is interpreting her husband's behavior from a ________ perspective.

  13. Which of the following correlations between self-esteem and body weight would enable you to most accurately predict body weight from knowledge of self-esteem level?

  14. Prediction is to ________ as explanation is to ________.

  15. Research participants are randomly assigned to different conditions in an experiment in order to:

  16. Seven members of a Girl Scout troop report the following individual earnings from their sale of candy: $4, $1, $7, $6, $8, $2, and $7. In this distribution of individual earnings, the mean is ________ the mode and ________ the median.

  17. Dr. Donelian wants to reduce his students' perception that psychological experiments merely document the obvious. His best strategy would be to ask the students to:

  18. Compared to nonscientific theories, the unique feature of scientific theories is that they:

  19. Hypotheses are best described as:

  20. In order to gain further understanding of how brain malfunctions influence behavior, Dr. Mosher extensively and carefully observed and questioned two stroke victims. Which research method did Dr. Mosher employ?

  21. A majority of respondents in a national survey agreed that "classroom prayer should not be allowed in public schools." Only 33 percent of respondents in a similar survey agreed that "classroom prayer in public schools should be banned." These divergent findings best illustrate the importance of:

  22. Which research method would be most effective for identifying the mating rituals of North American deer?

  23. A researcher would be most likely to discover a negative correlation between:

  24. A correlation between self-esteem and annual income of -.75 would indicate that:

  25. Which of the following correlations between annual income and education level would best enable you to predict annual income on the basis of level of education?

  26. Mr. Brown has gathered evidence showing that the weight of grade school students correlates positively with reading skill. Before he uses this evidence to conclude that body weight enhances reading ability, Mr. Brown should first be reminded that:

  27. If psychologists discovered that people who live at the poverty level have more aggressive children than do wealthy people, this would indicate that:

  28. Experimentation is more useful than correlational measures for testing the claim that:

  29. Correlation is to ________ as experimentation is to ________.

  30. Random sampling is to ________ as random assignment is to ________.

  31. In order to study some effects of alcohol consumption, Dr. Chu tested the physical coordination skills of 21-year-old men who were first assigned to drink a beverage with either 4, 2, or 0 ounces of alcohol in the laboratory. In this study, the independent variable consisted of:

  32. Seven members of a 4H club reported the following individual earnings from their sale of cakes: $7, $13, $3, $5, $2, $9, and $3. In this distribution of individual earnings, the mean is ________ the mode and ________ the median.

  33. Researchers use experiments rather than other research methods in order to distinguish between:

  34. In a written report of their research, psychologists specify exactly how anxiety is assessed, thus providing their readers with a(n):

  35. Which of the following scientific procedures is most useful for helping researchers avoid false generalizations?

  36. Correlational research is most useful for purposes of:

  37. A researcher was interested in determining whether her students' test performance could be predicted from their proximity to the front of the classroom. So she matched her students' scores on a math test with their seating position. This study is an example of:

    D) naturalistic observation.
  38. The procedure designed to ensure that the experimental and control groups do not differ in any way that might affect the experiment's results is called:

  39. According to Professor Fayad, we like people who like us because their affection for us boosts our own self-esteem. His idea is an example of:

  40. After she was painfully deceived by her boyfriend, Mary concluded that men just can't be trusted. In this instance, Mary ought to remind herself that reasonable generalizations depend on:

  41. During the past month, Henri and Sylvia each ate 10 candy bars, while Jerry ate 8, Tricia ate 6, and Tahli ate only 1. The mean number of candy bars eaten by these individuals was:

  42. The standard deviation for a set of scores allow the researcher to know

  43. Subjects in the control group received a mean score of 77. Before Dr. Janeway can say whether the new technique was superior in this study, she must

  44. Anton is applying for a technician's job with a neurosurgeon. In trying to impress his potential employer with his knowledge of the brain, he says, "After my father's stroke I knew immediately that the blood clot had affected his left cerebral hemisphere because he no longer recognized a picture of his friend." Should Anton be hired?

  45. Alicia suffered a brain disease that destroyed major portions of her temporal lobes. Alicia is most likely to suffer some loss of:

  46. Seeing is to hearing as the ________ lobes are to the _______ lobes.

  47. . Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex?

  48. After Greg's serious motorcycle accident, doctors detected damage to his cerebellum. Greg is most likely to have difficulty:

  49. Your brother has been taking prescription medicine and experiencing a number of unpleasant side effects, including unusually rapid heartbeat and excessive perspiration. It is likely that the medicine is exaggerating activity in the:

    D) amygdala.
  50. Moruzzi and Magoun caused a cat to lapse into a coma by severing neural connections between the cortex and the:

  51. After 3 hours of playing a physically exhausting professional tennis match, Chitra began to experience a sense of physical exhilaration and pleasure. It is likely that her feelings were most directly linked to the release of:

  52. The part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the movement of your legs when you walk is the:

    parasympathetic nervous system.
  53. A split-brain patient has a picture of a knife flashed to her left hemisphere and that of a fork to her right hemisphere. She will be able to:

  54. The ___receive messages from other neurons, while the ___carry messages on to other neurons or to muscle or gland cells.

  55. The cell body

    d determines whether the neuron should fire
    a receives incoming impulses from other neurons
    b speeds the conduction of the neural impulse
    c connects with the synapse
  56. ___nerves carry messages from the receptors in the sense organs to the spinal cord and brain, and ___nerves carry orders from the CNS to the muscles, glands, and organs.

    d Voluntary; involuntary

  57. Which of the following is a likely effect of damage to the hypothalamus?

  58. A young man was referred to a neurosurgeon after his frequent bouts of aggression could not be controlled. Diagnostic tests found an inoperable tumor in which location?

  59. A series of MRI scans reveal a tiny tumor on a patient's occipital lobe. It is not cancerous, so the medical team decides not to operate now. However, they want to have a neuropsychologist monitor the patient. What type of test will they recommend to determine if the tumor has grown?

  60. A split brain patient is asked to stare at a spot on a screen. The word base appears to the left of the spot; the word ball appears to the right of the spot. What will the patient say he saw?

  61. According to gender schema theory, children become gender-typed because they:

  62. Because he believes that "real men have no fears," 8-year-old George has difficulty accepting the fact that his father is fearful of losing his job. George's experience is most directly explained by:

  63. Research on personality development indicates that the:

  64. Since the 1960s, Americans have experienced a(n) ________ in rates of depression and a(n) ________ in work hours.

  65. Of the following, parents are most likely to influence their children's:

  66. Of the following, parents are most likely to influence their children's:

  67. Two-year-old Jeremy thinks that if he changed from wearing pants to wearing dresses he could become a girl; he still lacks a stable ______. (Answer: gender identity)
    7. Which statement about gender schemas is false?

  68. Ivan Pavlov pioneered the study of:

  69. The first woman to receive a Ph. D. in psychology wrote an influential book The Animal Mind. Her name was:

  70. Research participants were asked to monitor and report their own immediate sensory reactions to differently colored objects. This research involved a technique known as

  71. Nature is to nurture as ____________ is to __________.

  72. Efforts to discover whether the intelligence of children is more heavily influenced by their biology or their home environments are most directly relevant to the debate regarding

  73. Dr. Winkle conducts basic research on the systematic changes in intelligence associated with aging. It is most likely that Dr. Winkle is a(n) ________ psychologist.

  74. Dr. Ochoa develops tests to accurately identify the most qualified job applicants in a large manufacturing firm. Which psychological specialty does Dr. Ochoa’s work best represent?

  75. Which specialists are most likely to prescribe a drug for the treatment of a psychological disorder?

  76. Professor Smith told one class that drinking alcohol has been found to increase sexual desire. He informed another class that drinking alcohol has been found to reduce secual appetite. The fact that neither class was surprised by the information they received best illustrates the power of

  77. As scientists, psychologists adopt an attitude of skepticism because they believe that:

  78. A statement describing how a researcher measures a research variable is known as a(n)

  79. After being mistreated by many children in her neighborhood, Mrs. Johnson concluded that kids in today’s society are typically cruel and insensitive. Mrs. Johnson out to remind herself that reasonable generalizations depend on:

  80. In order to learn about the political attitudes of all students enrolled at Arizona Statue University, Professor Marlow randomly selected 800 of these students to complete a questionnaire. In this instance, all the students enrolled at Arizona State University are considered to be a(n):

  81. A correlation coefficient is a statistical measure of the:

  82. Following the scientific discovery that a specific brain structure is significantly larger in violent individuals than in those who are nonviolent, a news headline announced: "Enlarged Brain Structure Triggers Violent Acts." The headline writer should most clearly be warned about the dangers of:

  83. Which of the following research methods would provide the most effective way of demonstrating that watching TV violence causes children to act aggressively?

  84. Which of the following is most useful for helping survey researchers avoid false generalizations?

  85. Abdul has volunteered to participate in an experiment evaluating the effectiveness of aspirin. Neither he nor the experimenters know whether the pills he takes during the experiment contain aspirin or are merely placebos. The investigators are apparently making use of:

  86. Which technique involves repeating the essence of an earlier research study with different participants and in different circumstances?

  87. The dependent variable in an experiment is the factor:

  88. In transmitting sensory information to the brain, an electrical signal travels from the ___________ of a single neuron.

  89. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that travel across the:

  90. The pain of childbirth is most likely to be reduced by the accelerated release of:

  91. When Mr. Valdez thought his 1-year-old daughter had fallen down the stairs, his heartbeat accelerated, his blood pressure rose, and he began to perspire heavily. Mr. Valdez’s state of arousal was activated by his _______ nervous system

  92. In which brain structure are nerves from the left side of the brain routed to the right side of the body?

  93. Which region of your brainstem plays a role in arousing you to a state of alertness when someone nearby mentions your name?:

  94. A loss of physical coordination and balance is most likely to result from damage to the:

  95. The medulla is to the control of _______ as the cerebellum is to the control of ______.

  96. The parietal lobes are to _______ as the occipital lobes are to _______.

  97. The cortical regions that are not directly involved in sensory motor functions are known as:

  98. After Terry lost a finger in an industrial accident, the areas of his sensory cortex devoted to receiving input from that finger gradually became very responsive to sensory input from his adjacent fingers. This best illustrates;

  99. The ability to simultaneously copy different figures with the right and left hand is most characteristic of those whose _________ has been lesioned.

  100. When a person speaks, brain waves and bloodflow are especially likely to reveal increased activity in the

  101. Research on brain development suggest that repeated learning experiences seem to:

  102. Frank avoids talking with food in his mouth because other people think it is crude and inappropriate. This best illustrates the impact of

  103. A person’s sense of being male or female is his or her gender:

  104. The tendency to classify various occupations as masculine or feminine has often led men and women to limit themselves to an unnecessarily restricted range of career options. This best illustrates dynamics emphasized by;

  105. In a distribution of test scores, which measure of central tendency would likely be the most affected by a couple of extremely high scores?

  106. If the points on a scatterplot are clustered in a pattern that extends from lower left to upper right, this would suggest that the two variables depicted are:

  107. Which of the following correlations between annual income and education level would best enable you to predict annual income on the basis of level of education?

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psych test 1
psych review