Chapter 6&7

  1. Name the two skeletal system divisions?
    • Axial
    • Appredicular
  2. How many bones are in the skull?
    • 22 bones
    • 8 form the cranium
  3. Name the five sutures in the skull?
    • Coronal
    • Lambdoidal
    • Sagittal
    • Squamosal
    • Frontonasal
  4. Define sutures?
    • Immovable where
    • Bone meets bone
  5. Where is the sagittal suture located?
    Between 2 parietal bones
  6. Where is the squamosal suture located?
    Above temporal
  7. Where is the frontonasal suture located?
    Where frontal meets nasal
  8. How are processes named?
    • "For the bone they reach for"
    • & not the bone they are apart of
  9. Name the two visceral bones?
    • Hyoid bone
    • Ear ossicles
  10. Where is hyoid bone located?
    • The hyoid bone provides attachment
    • To the muscles of the floor of the mouth
    • & the tongue above, the larynx below,
    • & the epiglottis and pharynx behind
  11. The hyoid bone is unique in what way?
    • It is the only bone in the human
    • Skeleton that is not articulated with
    • Any other bone.
  12. Where are the auditory ossicles located?
    In the temporal bone
  13. Name the four fontanels in the fetal skull?
    • Anterior
    • Posterior
    • Sphenoid
    • Mastoid
  14. What are the six regions of the spinal column?
    • Atlas
    • Axis
    • Thoracic
    • Lumbar
    • Sacrum
    • Coccyx
  15. What is the atlas of the spinal column? What is it's function? What does it articulate with?
    • C1
    • Permits nodding "yes", prevents twisting
    • Articulates with occipital bone
  16. What is the axis of the spinal column?
    • C2
    • Permits head to turn from side to side
    • "No" motion
  17. Why does shaking a child cause damage to the spinal cord?
    • Fusion between the dens and
    • The axis (C2) is not complete
    • In a child
  18. How many veterbrae bones are in the thoracic region of the spinal column? What are they attached to?
    • 12
    • Ribs
  19. How many bones are in the lumbar region of the spinal column? Where is it located?
    • 5
    • Lower back
  20. How many bones are in the sacrum region of the spinal column? Where are they located?
    • 5
    • Fused into one structure. Attaches
    • axial skeleton to pelvic girdle
    • & lower appendicular skeleton
  21. How many bones are in the coccyx region of the spinal column?
    • 3-5
    • Partially fused
  22. What is the dens process?
    • A process found on the axis (C2)
    • On its anterior surface is an oval or nearly
    • Circular facet for articulation with that
    • On the anterior arch of the atlas.
  23. Name the five vertebral features?
    • Body
    • Vertebral foramen
    • Spinous process
    • Transverse process
    • Transverse foramen
  24. Define the vertebrae feature, body?
    • Seperated by intervertebral discs
    • (fibrous tissue between body of vertebrae)
  25. Define vertebral foramen?
    Houses spianl cord
  26. Define spinous process?
    • Projects dorsally
    • (back of neck, C7)
  27. Define transverse process?
    • Project laterally
    • (on side)
  28. Define transverse foramen?
    • Gives passage, and protects blood
    • Vessels to brain
    • (only in cervical vertebrae)
  29. Name the features of a cervical vertebrae?
    • Vertebral process
    • Vertebral foramen
    • Vertebral body
    • Spinous process
    • Transverse foramen
  30. Name the six parts of the axial body?
    • Skull
    • Visceral bones
    • Vertebrae
    • Thoracic cage
    • Ribs
    • Sacrum & coccyx
  31. Name the parts of the appendicular division of the skeleton?
    • Pectoral girdle
    • Upper limbs
    • Pelvic girdle
    • Lower limbs
  32. What does the pectoral girdle connect? What bones does it consist of?
    • Upper limbs to the axial skeleton
    • Clavicle
    • Scapula
  33. What attaches to the pectoral girdle?
  34. Name the bones of the arm?
    • Humerus
    • Radius
    • Ulna
    • Carpels, metacarpels, phalanges
  35. What skeleton system does the pelvic girdle belong to? What bones make up the girdle?
    • Appendicular (legs hang)
    • 2 (right and left) os coxae
    • 3 fused bones
  36. Name the three fused bones in the pelvic girdle?
    • Ishium
    • Iliac
    • Pubis
  37. What 4 bones make up the pelvis?
    • Right and left os coxae
    • Sacrum
    • Coccyx
  38. The leg belongs to which skeletal division?
  39. Name the bones of the leg?
    • Femur
    • Patella
    • Tibia
    • Fibula
    • Tarsals, metatarsals. phalanges
  40. What is the largest bone in the body?
  41. What is the tibia located in the body? What is it's function?
    • Lower leg
    • Bears weight
  42. What is unique about the ulnas head?
    • It's the only bone where
    • The head is distal
  43. What is true of a fossa or notch?
    • There is a process or
    • Bone that fits into it
Card Set
Chapter 6&7
skeletal system