CHEM 1405

  1. What is a measurement?
    • * quantitative observation
    • * comparison to an agreed upon standard
    • * every measurement has a number and a unit
  2. Scientific Notation
    • * also called exponential notation
    • * used to write large numbers in small format

    • a.bcd x 10e
    • a.bcd = coefficient
    • e = exponent
  3. Exponents
    • * positive exponent means 1 multiplied by 10 e times
    • * negative exponent means 1 divided by 10 e times
  4. Metric System
    • Quantity Unit Symbol
    • length meter m
    • mass kilogram kg
    • time second t
    • temperature kelvin k
  5. Prefix Multipliers
    kilo: larger than the base unit 1km = 1000m = 103m

    centi: 100x smaller than base unit 1cm = 0.01m = 10-2m

    milli: 1000x smaller than base unit 1mm = 0.001m = 10-3m
  6. Base Units
    • Mass gram g
    • Length meter m
    • Time seconds s
Card Set
CHEM 1405
Chapter 2