Human Anatomy

  1. condlye
    • a rounded nob
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  2. facet
    a smooth, flat, slightly concave or convex articular surface
  3. head
    • the prominent expanded end of a bone, sometimes rounded
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  4. crest
    a narrow ridge
  5. epicondyle
    • an expanded region superior to a condyle
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  6. line
    a slightly raised, elongated ridge
  7. process
    • any bony prominence
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  8. protuberance
    a bony outgrowth or protruding part
  9. spine
    a sharp, slender, or narrow process
  10. trochanter
    • two massive processes unique to the femur
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  11. tubercle
    • a small, rounded process
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  12. tuberosity
    a rough surface
  13. alveolus
    a pit or socket
  14. fossa
    a shallow, broad, or elongated basin
  15. fovea
    • a small pit
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  16. sulcus
    a groove for a tendon, nerve, or blood vessel
  17. canal
    a tubular passage or tunnel in a bone
  18. fissure
    a slit through a bone
  19. foramen
    a hole through a bone, usually round
  20. meatus
    an opening into a canal
  21. sinus
    an air-filled space in a bone
Card Set
Human Anatomy
Surface Features of Bones