7th Grade Chap. 7 Geography

  1. This system allows people to own, operate, and profit from their own businesses.
    Market Economy
  2. During this era less emphasis was placed on heavy industry and traditional manufacturing while more emphasis was placed on service and high-tech. businesses.
  3. In this area there is a high concentration of office buildings and retail shops.  It is easily accessible to city and suburbs - typically called "downtown".
    Central Business District
  4. This place in California is home to 20 of the world's 100 largest high-tech. companies.
    Silicon Valley
  5. This extends from the Great Lakes to the east.  I contains older industrial areas.
    Manufacturing Belt
  6. Converting old factories for use in new industries.
  7. Agricultural goods.
  8. Land suitable for farming.
  9. When there is a total control of an industry by one person or one company.
  10. The merging of economies in which countries are inter-connected and become dependent on one another for goods and services.
    Global Economy
  11. When a country spends more on imports than it takes in from exports.
    Trade Deficit
  12. When a country takes in more from exports than it spends on imports.
    Trade Surplus
  13. Taxes countries place on imports.
  14. What are some drawbacks of introducing non-native species of plants and animals?
    • Blocked waterways
    • crop destruction
    • displacement of crucial native species
  15. What are the benefits of nuclear energy?
    • No greenhouse gases
    • Stable energy prices
  16. What are the drawbacks of nuclear energy?
    • Spent fuel stays radioactive.
    • Potential for accidents or attack.
  17. Benefits of fossil energy?
    Easiest to transport and store.
  18. Drawbacks of fossil energy?
    • emits greenhouse gases
    • extraction can cause destruction of land
    • nonrenewable
  19. Benefits of solar/wind energy?
    • No waste production
    • usable in remote areas
    • renewable
  20. Drawbacks of solar/wind energy?
    • high initial costs
    • power depends on a variable source
  21. Benefits of hydro-electric energy?
    • low operating costs
    • emits little carbon dioxide
    • long life span
  22. Drawbacks of hydro-electric energy?
    • requires lots of space
    • High initial cost
    • can threaten recreation, flow of rivers and aquatic life.
  23. What steps have the United States and Canada taken to combat pollution?
    • Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement - combats pollution in lakes.
    • U.S. passed the Clean Water Act - it is restoring U.S. waters.
  24. What other steps might the U. S. be able to take to combat pollution?
    • Get rid of....
    • asbestos
    • sewage
    • chemical dumping and other industrial waste
    • making water treatment mandatory
  25. Setting up plants service industries and other businesses abroad to produce parts and products for domestic use or sale.
  26. Taking out whole forests when harvesting timber.
  27. Precipitation carrying high amounts of acidic material.
    Acid Rain
  28. Sun's rays interact with auto exhaust gases and industrial emissions, forming a visible haze - it damages or kills plants, harms people's eyes, throats, and lungs.
  29. The process by which a body of water becomes rich in dissolved nutrients.  Encourages algae, which can use all the oxygen.
  30. How did the distribution of jobs in the U.S. change between 1900 and 2003?
    • The jobs moved mostly from agricultural to industrial.
    • The jobs were mostly service jobs in the post-industrial era.
  31. How does the amount of arable land in the U.S. compare to the amount of arable land in Canada?
    Arable land makes up 1 billion acres in the U.S. - roughly 6 times as much as the 167 million acres in Canada.
  32. What factors contributed to the spread of Cattle ranches and in turn the dairy farms in the United States?
    • Breeds of cattle which need less room to graze grew.
    • Improved feed sources
    • Automation
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7th Grade Chap. 7 Geography
7th Grade Geography Chap. 7