Home Economics - Special Diets

  1. What is a lacto-vegetarian?
    These people do not eat meat but will eat dairy products eg. milk
  2. What is a vegan?
    These people do not eat meat or any animal foods or dairy products
  3. Why would a person choose a vegetarian diet?

    Healthier diet

    Ethical reasons

    Family or friends

  4. List the meat substitutes available for a vegetarian


  5. List the guidelines for planning meals for vegetarians
    Include good sources of vegetable protein such as nuts and cereals

    Use whole cereals and flour as they are higher in Vitamin B and fibre

    Make use of TVP and Quorn in dishes that would usually include meat

    Use soya milk instead of cow's milk

    Use only vegetables stock and vegetable fat

    Ensure meals are balanced as vegan diets may lack protein, calcium, iron and vitamin B
  6. Define obesity
    This occurs when a person is 20% or more over the recommended weight for their height
  7. State the causes of obesity
    • Overeating
    • Sedentary lifestyles
    • Poor nutritional knowledge
    • Unhealthy eating habits
    • Snacking
    • Video and computer games replacing physical exercise
  8. List the health risks for an obese person
    • Diabetes
    • Gallstones
    • Poor self-esteem
    • Stroke
    • Heart disease
    • High blood pressure
    • High cholesterol
  9. Describe the dietary guidelines for an obese person
    Cut down on foods high in saturated fat

    Increase fruit and vegetables every day

    Drink up to 8 glasses of water every day

    Eat less sugary foods

    Grill, boil and bake instead of frying

    Eat low fat butter, milk, cheese and yogurt

    Eat less foods from the top shelf of the food pyramid

    Eat fish and chicken instead of red meat

    Eat three meals a day that are low in calories

    Use a smaller plate and eat more slowly

    Eat high fibre foods as they give a feeling of fullness
  10. What is cholesterol?
    This is a fat present in the body, which may build up as a hard waxy deposit on the walls of the arteries
  11. Describe the effects of high cholesterol
    It causes the arteries to become narrower putting more pressure on the heart as it pumps the blood through smaller vessels

    High blood pressure, coronary heart disease or stroke may result
  12. What is a coronary heart disease?
    This is when a heart attack happens due to an artery becoming totally blocked by a fatty substance known as cholesterol
  13. State the lifestyle changes for a person with coronary heart disease
    Maintain a healthy weight

    Do not smoke

    Avoid excess alcohol

    Exercise as this lowers LDL and increases HDL

    Reduce stress
  14. List the causes of coronary heart disease
    Smoking, stress and too much alcohol

    A history of heart disease in the family

    Overweight and a diet high in saturated fat

    Lack of exercise

    High cholesterol and high blood pressure
  15. State the dietary guidelines for a person with coronary heart disease
    Eat fish and chicken instead of red meat

    Choose low fat dairy products

    Reduce intake of salt

    Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables

    Grill, bake, steam or boil food
  16. What is coeliac disease?
    This is a person who has an intolerance to gluten and are unable to digest this protein
  17. What is diabetes?
    This results when little or no insulin is produced in the body
  18. Describe the two types of diabetes
    Type 1 (insulin dependent) is when little or no insulin produced.  Common in children and young adults.  Daily insulin injections needed

    Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) is when insulin produced cannot be use by the body.  Common in overweight adults.  Controlled by weight loss and diet
  19. State the treatment for a person with diabetes
    Regular meals to maintain constant blood sugar levels

    Have a low sugar and high fibre diet

    Keep weight within recommended range
Card Set
Home Economics - Special Diets
Special Diets