Powerful Questoin : What you're looking for

  1. Weaken
    You're looking for the most powerful thing you can find to destroy the arguments conclusion
  2. Strengthen
    You're looking for the most powerful thing you can find to help the arguments conclusion
  3. Sufficient assumption
    You're looking for the most powerful thing you can find to prove the conclusion the be 100% valid .
  4. Counter
    You're looking for the most powerful thing the speaker could say to destroy the second speakers argument
  5. Contradiction
    • You're looking for the thing that contradicts literal words from the stimulus .
    • - contradicts the stimulus
  6. Evaluate
    • You're looking for a powerful pop quiz for the arguments validity
    • - looking for an answer that is crucial for the arguments validity
    • - answer that asks about whether the loophole is true
  7. Resolution
    You're looking for the most powerful thing you can find to make the Paradox make sense
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Powerful Questoin : What you're looking for
what you're looking for in power question stems