Vocabulary: History

  1. Fertile Crescent
    an area of rich farmland in Southwest Asia where the first civilizations first began
  2. Silt
    A mixture of fertile soil and tiny rocks that make land ideal for farming
  3. Irrigation
    a way of supplying water to an area of land
  4. Canals
    a human made waterway
  5. Surplus
    More of something than is needed
  6. Division of Labor
    an arrangement in which each worker specializes in a particular task or job
  7. Rural
    a countryside area
  8. Urban
    a city area
  9. City-state
    a political unit consisting of a city and its surrounding countryside
  10. Gilgamesh
    King of Uruk, a city-state in Sumer, he became a legendary figure in Sumerian literature
  11. Sargon
    King of Akkad, a land north of Sumer, he built the world's first empire after defeating Sumer and northern Mesopotamia
  12. Empire
    a land with different territories and peoples under a single rule
  13. Polytheism
    the worship of many gods
  14. Priests
    a person who performs religious ceremonies
  15. Social Hierarchy
    the division of society by rank or class
  16. Cuneiform
    the world's first system of writing; developed in Sumer
  17. Pictographs
    a picture symbol
  18. Scribe
    a writer
  19. Epics
    long poems that tell the stories of heroes
  20. architecture
    the science of building
  21. ziggurat
    a pyramid-shaped temple in Sumer
  22. monarch
    a ruler of a kingdom or empire
  23. Hammurabi's Code
    a set of 282 laws governing daily life in Babylon; the earliest known collection of written laws
  24. chariot
    a wheeled, horse-drawn cart used in battle
  25. Nebuchadnezzar
    ruled 605-561 BC; Chaldean king, he rebuilt Babylon into a beautiful city which featured the famed hanging gardens
  26. alphabet
    a set of letters that can be combined to form words
Card Set
Vocabulary: History
Key Terms Chapter 2: Section 1 and 2