P92 ch 6 (HR)

  1. Define HRM
    Human Resources Management is the management of people employed by an organisation in order to achieve that organisation's objectives
  2. Diffenciate between manpower planning and succession planning
    • Manpower planning helps to determine the number and skills of people the organisation will need in order to achieve it's strategic objectives
    • Succession planning helps to ensure continuity and growth in the management of the business by ensuring that sucessors for key positions in the future are identified and developed
  3. Major components of manpower planning
    • supply
    • demand
    • time
  4. Elements in a Manpower Action Plan
    • recruitment programmes
    • training programmes
    • redundancy
    • short-time working
    • re-organisation
    • re-training and developing new skills
  5. Key steps in succession planning
    • identify key jobs necessary to achieve strategic goals
    • identify the extent to which these jobs will change
    • identify the performance CSF for these jobs
    • establish current key players
    • prepare inventory of the skills, abilities etc
    • identify time scale before key players will leave the organisation
    • establish a means of identifying current kills of potential successors an their potential to develop new skills
  6. List 5 indicators of weakening corporate culture and poor organisational health
    1. diminished productivity

    2. increased employee sabotage of company policy

    3. increased absenteeism

    4. increased expressions of grievance against collegues and managers

    5. strikes, work-to-rule and lock-outs
  7. How can organisations manage corporate change in the face of poor moral
    • Job design
    • New recruits
    • Control systems (appraisal & reward)
  8. Steps in the recruitment & selection process
    • Job analysis
    • Advertise vacancy
    • Prepare short list
    • Review assessment tools (interview, references etc)
    • Decide which assessment tools to use
  9. List the 4 parts of the appraisal process
    1. Assessing the individual's performance

    2. Agreeing the assessment

    3. Identifying training & development needs

    4. setting objectives
  10. Training methods
    • On the job
    • Off the job
    • Open learning
    • Computer based training (CBT)
    • Professional certs & diplomas
  11. What must managers and team leaders do to achieve a motivational climate?
    • Facilitate motivation
    • be a role model
    • trust the team and delegate responsibly
    • give praise, encourage growth and recognise contributions
    • build rapport and strong relationships
    • develop the team through coaching and training
    • communicate and provide regular feedback on team progress and business plans
    • promote an environment that is conducive with staff motivation
    • escalate feedback on issues that are getting in the way of successful motivation
  12. Mechanisms used when dealing with organised labour force
    • joint consultation
    • collective bargaining
    • conflict management
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P92 ch 6 (HR)
P92 ch 6 (HR) Human Resources