Chapter 7-Stress-Prone and Stress-Resistant Personality Traits

  1. Stress
    The experience of a perceived threat(real or imagined) to one's mental,physical, or spiritual well-being, resulting from a series physiological responses and adaptations.
  2. Behaviors
    Actions(direct or indirect) that are based on conscious (sometimes unconscious) thoughts.
  3. Helpless-hopeless personality
    Describes a person who has given up on life, or aspects of it, as a result of repeated failure.
  4. Hardy Personality
    A term coined by Maddi and Kobasa: personality characteristics that, in combination, seem to buffer against stress; control, commitment, and challenge.
  5. Survivor personality
    The traits that comprise a unique winning attitude to overcome adversity and challenges, no matter what the odds my be, so that one comes out the victor, no the victim.
  6. Sensation seeker
    These courageous people confront stress by calculating their risks in extreme situations and then proceeding with gusto.
  7. Type A Personality
    This personality, once associated with time urgency, is now associated with unresolved anger issues.
  8. Time Urgency
    A characteristic or behavior of someone who displays Type A personality, someone who is constantly time conscious.
  9. Polyphasia
    A trait of thinking or doing many activities at once, also known as multitasking.  This is also a trait of the Type A personality.
  10. Multitasking
    Acting on many responsibilities at one time (driving and talking on a cell phone) to save time, yet potentially compromising the integrity of both outcomes.
  11. Proclivity
    natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition:
  12. Codependency
    A stress-prone personality with many traits and behaviors that seem to increase the likelihood of perceived and the inability to cope effectively with it; addictive in nature; based on the need to make others dependent to receive self-validation.
  13. Enablers
    A term coined in the alcohol recovery movement, referring to a person who enables a spouse, parent, or child to continue either a substance or process addiction.
  14. Survival skills
    A term associated with codependency in which certain behaviors are adopted in adolescence to "survive" demanding, alcoholic, or abusive parents.
  15. mores
    folkways of central importance accepted without question and embodying the fundamental moral views of a group.
  16. Folkways
    the ways of living, thinking, and acting in a human group, built up without conscious design but serving as compelling guides of conduct.
  17. Process addiction
    The addiction to a behavior process such as shopping, intercourse, gambling, television watching, cutting, and codependent behaviors.
  18. Ardent
    having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling; passionate; fervent:an ardent vow; ardent love.intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic; zealous:an ardent theatergoer. an ardent student of French history.vehement; fierce:They were frightened by his ardent, burning eyes.burning, fiery, or hot:
  19. Illusion of control
    A term used in association with codependent behavior, thinking that one can control (manipulate) things/others that one really cannot.
  20. Self-reliance
    Is the ability to be inspired from within, not motivated solely by external factors.
  21. Helpless-Hopeless Personality
    Describes a person who has given up on life, or aspects of it, as a result of repeated failure.
  22. Intrinsic
    belonging to a thing by its very nature:
  23. Locus of control
    A sense of who or what is in control of one's life; people with an internal locus of control take responsibility for their actions; those with an external locus of control place responsibility on external factors like luck or the weather; the latter is as
  24. Hardy Personality
    A term coined by Maddi and Kobasa; personality characteristics that, in combination, seem to buffer against stress: control, commitment, and challenge.
  25. Survivor Personality
    The traits that comprise a unique winning attitude to overcome adversity and challenges, no matter what the odds may be, so that one comes out the victor, not the victim.
  26. Biphasic
    Survivor personality traits; the ability to use both right-brain and left-brain thinking processes to successfully deal with a problem or stressors.
  27. Personality traits
    Thoughts and behaviors that combine to form or color one's personality; in this case, cognitive traits associated with survival.
  28. Sensation Seeker
    Also known as Type R Personality, these courageous people confront stress by calculating their risks in extreme situations and then proceed with gusto.
  29. Self esteem
    The sense of underpinning self-values, self-acceptance, and self-love; thought to be a powerful buffer against perceived threats.
  30. Underpinning
    a foundation or basis:
  31. Substance addiction
    The addiction to a host of substances, from nicotine and caffeine to alcohol and various drugs.
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Chapter 7-Stress-Prone and Stress-Resistant Personality Traits
Stress-Prone and Stress-Resistant