-the idea that behavior is problematic or not problematic depending on the environment in which it occurs
culture-bound illness
- abnormal behaviors specific to a particular location or group
abnormal behavior
- behavior inconsistent with person's developmental, culturl, and societal norms causing distress and dysfunction
clinical presentation
- symptoms that cluster together
- how the disorder begins
developmental stage
- whether a disorder looks different in a child than an adult
finctional impairment
- immediate and long term consequences of having the disorder
contextual factors
- age, race, gender, ethnicity
developmental trajectory
- idea that common sympoms of a disorder may vary depending on a person's age
downward drift
- phenomenon of decreased success in life because of the affects of a disorder
- - drilling a hole in someone's head to release demons from the brain
- - practiced in ancient cultures like Egypt
- - father of medicine
- - identified hallucinations, delusions, melancholia, mania, hysteria
- - abn. behav. occurs when environment and physical factors cause imbalance in 4 humours
- - advocated patient removal from family foreshadowing institutions
Hippocrates 4 humours
- yellow bile, black bile, blood, phlegm
- successor to Hippocrates ideas
mass hysteria
- group of people share a belief not based in fact
emotional contagion
- automatic mimicry and synchronization of expressions, vocalizations, postures, and movements of one person by another
- people believe they're possessed by wolves
- belief that a tarantula bite would cause death unless the person danced wildly
Philippe Pinel
- created an asylum for men
William Tuke
- - created an asylum out of a house for people with mental illnesses to live
- - "kindness and occupation" moral treatment