Excavate tunnels in soil, preferably in areas with little vegetation.
Digger bees. Mason/Leafcutter bees. Mining bees. Plasterer and Yellow faced bees.
Mining bees
High density of burrows may result in lawn damage.
Digger bees. Mason/Leafcutter bees. Mining bees. Plasterer and Yellow faced bees.
Mining bees
Nests in burrows or naturally occuring banks.
Digger bees. Mason/Leafcutter bees. Mining bees. Plasterer and Yellow faced bees.
Digger bees
Burrow in to soil or use brick and stone crevices and cover the burrow with a translucent secretion.
Digger bees. Mason/Leafcutter bees. Mining bees. Plasterer and Yellow faced bees.
Nest in crevices, soil, and other cavities
Digger bees. Mason/Leafcutter bees. Mining bees. Plasterer and Yellow faced bees.
Yellow faced
Nests in burrows excavated soil
Sweat and alkali bees. Mason/Leaf cutter. Cicada killer. Black and yellow mud dauber.
Sweat and Alkali
Sometimes nests in rotting wood, wood shingles, insulation panels
Sweat and alkali bees. Mason/Leaf cutter. Cicada killer. Black and yellow mud dauber.
Mason/Leaf cutter.
Do not pose a structural threat, but may be unsightly.
Sweat and alkali bees. Mason/Leaf cutter. Cicada killer. Black and yellow mud dauber.
Mason/Leaf cutter
Females excavate nesting site in sandy soil or clay with forelegs (ground nesting).
Sweat and alkali bees. Mason/Leaf cutter. Cicada killer. Black and yellow mud dauber.
Cicada Killer
Female wasps construct tubular nesting cells out of moist clusters of mud.
Sweat and alkali bees. Mason/Leaf cutter. Cicada killer. Black and yellow mud dauber. Organpipe mud dauber.
Organpipe mud dauber
Nests are often affixed to ceilings and walls of buildings. Characteristic vertical, thin tubes constructed in a row.
Sweat and alkali bees. Mason/Leaf cutter. Cicada killer. Black and yellow mud dauber. Organpipe mud dauber.
Organpipe mud dauber
No nest construction.
Sweat and alkali bees. Cicada killer. Carpenter bees. Black and yellow mud dauber. Organpipe mud dauber. Velvet ants.
Velvet ant
Holes chewed in wood are around 1/3 to 1/2 inch.
Sweat and alkali bees. Cicada killer. Carpenter bees. Black and yellow mud dauber. Organpipe mud dauber. Velvet ants.
Carpenter bee
Holes chewed in wood are often against the grain of the wood. Sawdust and pollen visible.
Sweat and alkali bees. Cicada killer. Carpenter bees. Black and yellow mud dauber. Organpipe mud dauber. Velvet ants.
Carpenter bee
Prefer unfinished and unpainted wood
Sweat and alkali bees. Cicada killer. Carpenter bees. Black and yellow mud dauber. Organpipe mud dauber. Velvet ants.
Carpenter bee
Damage over years can amount to significant destruction.
Sweat and alkali bees. Cicada killer. Carpenter bees. Black and yellow mud dauber. Organpipe mud dauber. Velvet ants.
Carpenter bee