Deep Back: Small Segmental Muscles

  1. Interspinales PA (Origin)
    In general: Superior surface of inferior SP

    Cervical region: 6 pairs starting between SP C2 and C3 ending between C7 and T1

    Thoracic region: 2-3 pairs between T1 and T2, sometimes between T2 and T3, and between T11 and T12

    Lumbar region: Fourpairs between the 5 lumbar vertebrae
  2. Inerspinales DA (Insertion)
    Inferior surface of SP immediately superior to it
  3. Interspinales Innervation
    Dorsal rami of corresponding spinal nerves
  4. Interspinales Blood Supply
    Posterior branches of posterior intercostal arteries (PB PIA)
  5. Interspinales Actions
    postural muscles
  6. Intertransversarii PA (Origin)
    In general: Superior surface of inferior TP

    Cervical region: 7 pairs starting between lateral mass of C1 to TP of C2 and ending between C7 and T1

    Thoracic region: 4 pairs that exist between last three thoracic and 1st lumbar vertebrae

    Lumbar region: 2 sets
  7. Intertransversarii DA (Insertion)
    Inferior surface of superior TP
  8. Intertransversarii Innervation
    Dorsal and ventral rami of spinal nerves
  9. Intertransversarii Blood Supply
    Muscular branches of the vertebral artery (cervical region), Posterior branches of posterior intercostal arteries (PB PIA)
  10. Intertransversarii Actions
    Postural muscles
Card Set
Deep Back: Small Segmental Muscles
Muscle Chart Deep Back