Dorsal rami of cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
Semispinalis capitus Blood Supply
Deep Cervical a. (Branch off the costocervical trunk), Posterior branches of posterior intercostal artieries
Semispinalis capitus Actions
Unilaterally: minimal contralateral rotation of the head
Bilaterally: Extends the head
Semispinalis cervicis PA (Origin)
TP's of T1-5
Semispinalis cervicis DA (Insertion)
SP's of C2-5
Semispinalis cervicis Innervation
Dorsal rami of cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
Semispinalis cervicis Blood Supply
Deep cervical a. (branch off the costocervical trunk), Posterior branches of posterior intercostal arteries
Semispinalis cervicis Actions
Unilaterally: Contralateral rotation of the neck
Bilaterally: Extends the spine
Semispinalis thoracis PA (Origin)
TP's of T6-10
Semispinalis thoracis DA (Insertion)
SP's of C6-T4
Semispinalis thoracis Innervation
Dorsal rami of cervical and thoracic spinal nerves
Semispinalis thoracis Blood Supply
Posterior branches of poesterior intercostal arteries
Semispinalis thoracis Actions
Unilaterally: Contralateral rotation of the spine
Bilaterally: Extends the spine
Multifidus PA (Origin)
Dorsal surface of the sacrum, aponeurosis of the erector spinae, PSIS, the dorsal SI ligs., all lumbar mamillary processes, all thoracic TP's & the articular processes of C4-7
Multifidus DA (Insertion)
SP of a more superior located vertebrae
Multifidus Innervation
Dorsal rami of corresponding spinal nerves
Multifidus Blood Supply
Posterior branches of posterior lumbar arteries
Multifidus Actions
Unilaterally: Contralateral rotation of the spine
Bilaterally: Extends the spine
Short Rotatores PA (Origin)
Upper posterior portion of the TP's in each region (most highly developed in the thoracic region)
Short Rotatores DA (Insertion)
lower border & lateral surface of the lamina of the vertebrae immediately superior to it
Short Rotatores Innervation
Dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Short Rotatores Blood Supply
Posterior branches of posterior intercostal arteries
Short Rotatores Actions
Unilaterally: contralateral rotation of the spine
Bilaterally: Extends the spine
Long Rotatores PA (Origin)
Upper posterior portion of the TP's in each region (most highly developed in the thoracic region)
Long Rotatores DA (Insertion)
lower border & lateral surface of the lamina of the vertebrae 2 vertebral levels superior to it
Long Rotatores Innervation
Dorsal rami of spinal nerves
Long Rotatores Blood Supply
Posterior branches of posterior intercostal arteries