NTA NTC Mid-term

  1. Define anatomy and physiology.
    Anatomy: The study of the body's parts or the body's structure. 

    Physiology: The study of how the body works or how the body functions.
  2. Describe the six levels of structural organization within the body.
    • 1) Chemical: atoms and molecules
    • 2) Cellular: atoms and molecules join to form cells
    • 3) Tissue: Cells joined together to perform a function.
    • 4) Organ: Heart, stomach, etc
    • 5) System: Organs joined together to perform a common function
    • 6) Organism: all systems joined together to form a human being.
  3. Define pH and describe the scale used for pH.
    pH: Numerical value that represents the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. The lower the number the more acid (H+). The higher the number, more alkaline (OH-). The scale for pH runs 0-14. 0=pure acid. 14=pure alkaline. Each pH unit is a tenfold difference, meaning each whole pH value below 7 is ten times more acidic than the next higher value. For example, pH 4 is ten times more acidic than pH 5 and 100 times (10 times 10) more acidic than pH 6.
  4. Describe the anatomical position.
    • Face forward
    • Looking forward
    • arms at the sides
    • palms forward
  5. Define and apply the directional terms for anatomy.
    • Superior: towards the head
    • Inferior: towards the feet
    • Proximal: toward the middle
    • Distal: away from the middle
    • Medial: Toward the midline of the body
    • Lateral: to the side
    • Anterior: front
    • Posterior: back
  6. Directional terms continued...
    • Ipsilateral: 2 things on the same side of the body
    • Contralateral: on opposite sides of the body
    • Superficial: toward or on the surface of the body
    • Deep: away from the surface of the body
    • Bilateral: both sides of the body
    • Unilateral: one side of the body
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NTA NTC Mid-term
A&P learning outcomes