the branch of medicine concerned with the prevention of disease and the treatment of suffering
the application of drugs for the purpose of disease prevention and the treatment of suffering
a chemical agent capable of producing biologic responses within the body
drug after it has been administered
treatments considered outside the realm of conventional Western medicine
complimentary and alternative therapies
list of drugs and drug recipes commonly used by pharmacists
a medical reference summarizing standards of drug purity, strength, and directions for synthesis
Us agency responsible for the evaluation and approval of new drugs
Food and Drug Administration
procedure implemented after a drug has been licensed for public use, designed to provide information on use and on occurrence of side effects
preclinical investigation
an effort to modernize the sciences to enhance the use of biomanufacturability to improve the "safety, effectiveness, and manufacturability of candidate medical products" (January 2007)
The FDA's Critical Path Initiative
the second stage of drug testing that involves three clinical phase trials
clinical investigation
must be submitted before a drug is allowed to proceed to the next stage of the approval process
new drug application
the third stage of the drug approval process, time when the drug's brand name is finalized
NDA review
final stage of the drug approval process, begins after clinical trials and the NDA review have been completed