Muscular System

  1. epicranial
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: superior nuchal line of occipital bone and portion of mastoid process of temporal
    • I: skin of eyebrow and root of nose
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: draws scalp back, raising the eyebrow and wrinkling the forehead (surprise)
  2. orbicularis oculi
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: orbital rim, frontal bone, and maxilla
    • I: lateral canthus 
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: sphincter of the eyelids, thus closing the eye (squinting)
  3. corrugator
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: supraorbital region (frontal)
    • I: skin of eyebrows
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: produces vertical wrinkles of the forehead (frowning)
  4. orbicularis oris
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: encircles mouth
    • I: labia commissure
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: although not a true sphincter, it produces sphincter-like action; closes and purses the lips (pouting)

    -consist of muscle fibers blend at the angle: platysma, levator anguli oris, depressor anguli oris, zygomaticus major, and risorius
  5. levator anguli oris
    (muscles of facial expression) - blend with orbicularis oris

    • O: maxilla (canine fossa) 
    • I: labial commisure
    • N: VII-facial 
    • A: elevates the angle of the mouth (smiling)
  6. depressor anguli oris
    (muscles of facial expression)- blend with orbicular oris

    • O: mandible
    • I: labial commissure
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: depresses the angle of the mouth (frowning)
  7. zygomaticus major
    (muscles of facial expression)- blend with orbicular oris

    • O: zygomatic bone
    • I: labial commissure
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: elevates the upper lip (smiling)
  8. risorius
    (muscles of facial expression)-blend with orbicular oris

    • O: fascia superficial to masseter muscle
    • I: labial commissure
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: widens the mouth as in smiling (stretching lips - grimacing)
  9. levator labii superioris
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: maxilla
    • I: upper lip
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: elevates/raising the upper lip
  10. depressor labii inferioris
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: mandible
    • I: lower lip
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: lowers/draws lower lip downwards and laterally
  11. zygomaticus minor
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: zygomatic bone
    • I: upper lip
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: elevates the upper lip (smiling)
  12. mentalis
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: mandible
    • I: chin
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: raises the skin of the chin and causes the lower lip to protrude
  13. buccinator
    (muscles of facial expression)

    • O: outer surface of alveolar of maxilla and mandible, and pterygomandibular raphe
    • I: labial commissure
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: compresses cheek during chewing. Also acts in blowing and sucking

    - local anesthetic landmark
  14. masseter
    (muscles of mastication)

    • O: zygomatic arch
    • I: angle and ramus of mandible
    • N: V(3)-trigeminal
    • A: elevates the mandible

    -largest, strongest, and most superficial muscle
  15. temporalis
    (muscles of mastication)

    • O: temporal fossa of temporal bone
    • I: coronoid process of mandible
    • N: V(3)-trigeminal
    • A: when whole muscle contracts it elevates the mandible, when posterior contracts it retrudes the mandible
  16. medial pterygoid
    (muscles of mastication)

    • O: larger (deep) head - pterygoid fossa of medial surface; smaller (superficial) head - lateral surface of both pyramidal process of palatine bone and maxillary tuberosity
    • I: both heads: medial surface of mandibular ramus and angle of mandible
    • N: V(3)-trigeminal
    • A: elevates mandible
  17. lateral pterygoid
    (muscles of mastication)

    • O: lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate in sphenoid (in part - superior & inferior)
    • I: anterior surface of neck on mandibular condyle at pterygoid fovea of mandible
    • N: V(3)-trigeminal
    • A: depresses and protrudes mandible. if one side contracts, it moves mandible to contralateral side. a portion of the lateral pterygoid inserts on the articular disc of the TMJ
  18. platysma
    (muscles of neck)

    • O: clavicle and shoulder
    • I: mandible and muscles of the mouth
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: draws lips downwards and raises the skin of the neck
  19. sternocleidomastoid
    (muscles of neck)

    • O: medial part of the clavicle and sternum's superior and lateral surface
    • I: mastoid process of temporal bone
    • N: XI-accessory 
    • A: if one muscle contracts it draws the head towards the shoulder on the same side such that the chin points upwards and to the opposite side. if both muscles contracts the neck is flexed
  20. trapezius
    (muscles of neck)

    • O: external surface of occipital bone at nuchal line
    • I: lateral third of the clavicle and part of scapula 
    • N: XI-accessory
    • A: elevates the scapula and clavicle (shrugging the shoulder)
  21. digastric
    (hyoid muscles) - suprahyoid

    • O: anterior - greater cornu of hyoid bone; posterior - mastoid notch
    • I: anterior - digastric fossa of medial surface of mandible; posterior - intermediate tendon
    • N: anterior - V; posterior - VII
    • A: raises hyoid bone and assists in opening the mandible
  22. mylohyoid
    (hyoid muscles) - suprahyoid

    • O: mylohyoid line
    • I: mylohyoid raphe
    • N: V-trigeminal 
    • A: elevates tongue

    -forms floor of the mouth
  23. stylohyoid
    (hyoid muscles) - suprahyoid

    • O: styloid process of temporal bone
    • I: body of hyoid
    • N: VII-facial
    • A: draws hyoid bone upward and backward
  24. geniohyoid
    (hyoid muscles) - suprahyoid

    • O: genial tubercles
    • I: body of hyoid
    • N: cervical nerve
    • A: helps elevate and protrude tongue
  25. sternothyroid
    (hyoid muscles) - infrahyoid

    • O: posterior surface of sternum
    • I: thyroid cartilage 
    • A: depresses thyroid cartilage
  26. sternohyoid
    (hyoid muscles) - infrahyoid

    • O: posterior and superior surface of sternum
    • I: body of hyoid
    • A: depresses hyoid bone
  27. omohyoid
    (hyoid muscles) - infrahyoid

    • O: inferior belly - scapula; superior belly - short tendon 
    • I: inferior belly - internal jugular vein; superior belly - body of hyoid
    • A: depresses hyoid bone
  28. thyrohyoid
    (hyoid muscles) - infrahyoid

    • O: thyroid cartilage
    • I: body and greater cornu of hyoid body
    • A: raises thyroid cartilage and larynx
  29. longitudinalis (superior)
    (muscles of the tongue) - intrinsic

    • O: dorsal surface of tongue
    • I: from base to apex of tongue
    • N: XII-hypoglossal
    • A: change shape of tongue (curl)
  30. longitudinalis (inferior)
    (muscles of the tongue) - intrinsic

    • O: ventral surface of tongue
    • I: from base to apex of tongue
    • N: XII-hypoglossal 
    • A: change shape of tongue (curl)
  31. transverse
    (muscles of the tongue) - intrinsic

    • O: transverse direction 
    • I: lateral surface
    • N: XII-hypoglossal 
    • A: change shape of tongue (curl)
  32. verticalis
    (muscles of the tongue) - intrinsic

    • O: vertical direction of dorsal
    • I: to ventral surface in the body
    • N: XII-hypoglossal 
    • A: change shape of tongue (curl)
  33. genioglossus
    (muscles of the tongue) - extrinsic

    • O: genial tibercles
    • I: hyoid bone
    • N: XII-hypoglossal 
    • A: change shape of tongue

    -safety muscle of the tongue
  34. hyoglossus
    (muscles of the tongue) - extrinsic

    • O: greater cornu & body of hyoid
    • I: tongue
    • N: XII-hypoglossal 
    • A: change shape of tongue
  35. styloglossus
    (muscles of the tongue) - extrinsic

    • O: styloid process of temporal
    • I: tongue
    • N: XII-hypoglossal 
    • A: change shape of tongue
  36. palatopharyngeal
    (muscles of the soft palate)

    • O: soft palate
    • I: laryngopharynx & thyroid cartilage
    • N: X-vagus
    • A: pulls pharynx/palate posteriorly almost pulling both sides together. the uvula fills the slight space between the two pillars. closes nasopharynx during swallowing
  37. palatoglossus
    (muscles of the soft palate)

    • O: median palatine raphe
    • I: lateral surface of tongue
    • N: X-vagus
    • A: elevates the base of the tongue toward the soft palate while pulling the soft palate toward the tongue. constricts after the bolus of food passes during swallowing
  38. levator veli palatini
    (muscles of the soft palate)

    • O: temporal bone
    • I: median palatine raphe
    • N: X-vagus
    • A: helps raise the soft palate during swallowing
  39. musculus uvulae
    (muscles of the soft palate)

    • O: uvula
    • I: uvula
    • N: X-vagus
    • A: helps close pharynx during swallowing
  40. tensor veli palatini
    (muscles of the soft palate)

    • O: auditory tube & inferior surface of sphenoid bone
    • I: becomes tendon near hamulus of medial pterygoid plate; tendon forms palatine aponeurosis & inserts at median palatine raphe
    • N: V(3)-trigeminal
    • A: tenses soft palate and opens auditory tube to assist in pressure equalization
  41. circular constrictors
    (muscles of laryngeal pharynx)

    • I: median pharyngeal raphe
    • N: X-vagus & pharyngeal plexus XI-accessory
    • A: make up inner layers
  42. longitudinal constrictors
    (muscles of laryngeal pharynx)

    • I: median pharyngeal raphe
    • N: X-vagus & pharyngeal plexus XI-accessory
    • A: make up the outer layers
Card Set
Muscular System
DH:Head and Neck Anatomy. Chapter 4