Blood SS pt 2

  1. What reaction is caused by antibodies that attack the recipient’s WBCs causing pulmonary inflammation and capillary leakage?
    transfusion-related acute lung injury
  2. What reaction happens when IgA proteins are introduced into a pt that has IgA antibodies causing a huge body-wide inflammatory response?
    anaphylactic reaction
  3. What reaction is caused when blood components are administered faster than the heart and circulatory system can accommodate them?
    circulatory overload
  4. What reaction is caused when ABO-incompatible blood components are administered?
    Acute hemolytic reaction
  5. What reaction is caused when antibodies attack the antigens on the red cells, destroying them and releasing the RBC contents into the bloodstream?
    acute hemolytic reaction
  6. What reaction is caused when the pt has a sensitivity to the donated WBC?
    febrile reaction
  7. What is the reaction when the pt has a sensitivity to the foreign plasma proteins?
    mild reaction
  8. What reaction can be expected if the blood component is infected with bacteria?
  9. What reaction is caused by antibodies that attack the recipient’s WBCs causing pulmonary inflammation and capillary leakage?
    transfusion-related acute lung injury
  10. What reaction happens when IgA proteins are introduced into a pt that has IgA antibodies causing a huge body-wide inflammatory response?
    anaphylactic reaction
  11. What reaction is caused when blood components are administered faster than the heart and circulatory system can accommodate them?
    circulatory overload
  12. What reaction is caused when ABO-incompatible blood components are administered?
    Acute hemolytic reaction
  13. What reaction is caused when antibodies attack the antigens on the red cells, destroying them and releasing the RBC contents into the bloodstream?
    acute hemolytic reaction
  14. What reaction is caused when the pt has a sensitivity to the donated WBC?
    febrile reaction
  15. What is the reaction when the pt has a sensitivity to the foreign plasma proteins?
    mild reaction
  16. What reaction can be expected if the blood component is infected with bacteria?
  17. What are S/S of Transfusion-related acute lung injury?
    • Fever
    • hypotension
    • tachypnea
    • dyspnea
    • decreased oxygen saturation
    • frothy sputum
  18. What are S/S of circulatory overload?
    • Distended neck veins
    • hypertension
    • cough
    • pulmonary congestion
    • dyspnea
    • headache
  19. What are S/S of anaphylactic and severe acture transfusion reaction?
    • Wheezing
    • bronchospasm
    • cyanosis
    • hypotension
    • shock
    • possibly uticaria
  20. what are S/S of Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction?
    Fever, low back pain, chills, flushing, tachycardia, dyspnea, tachypnea, hypotension, Hemoglobin in the urine, dark urine, acute jaundice, acute renal failure, shock
  21. What are S/S of Sepsis?
    Chills and fever suddenly, with headache, flushing, and possibly vomiting and muscle pain
  22. What are S/s of Mild allergic reaction?
    • Itching
    • hives
    • flushing
  23. What are S/S of Sepsis?
    • Rapid onset of chills
    • fever
    • vomiting/diarrhea
    • hypotension
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Blood SS pt 2
Bllod SS pt 2