General Airspeed Terminology and Symbols

  1. What is the definition of KIAS ?
    Knots Indicated Airspeed

    The speed indicated by the pointer on the airspeed indicator
  2. What is the definition of KCAS ?
    Knots Calibrated Airspeed

    Indicated airspeed corrected for both pitot tube and static port position or error and internal airspeed indicator instrument error
  3. What is the definition of V?
    Decision Speed

    The highest airspeed on the ground at which, as a result of engine failure or other reasons, the pilot is assumed to have made decision to either continue or reject the takeoff
  4. What is the definition of V2 ? 
    Take-off Safety Speed

    The actual speed of 35 feet above the runway surface as demonstrated in flight during single engine takeoff
  5. What is the definition of V?
    Gust Penetration Speed

    The maximums speed recommended for flight in rough air
  6. What is the definition of VFE ?
    Maximum Flap Extended Speed

    The highest speed permissible with wing flaps in a specified position
  7. What is the definition of VMO ?
    Maximum Operating Speed

    The speed that may not be deliberately exceeded at any time
  8. What is the definition of VMC ?
    Minimum Control Speed - Single Engine

    The lowest speed at which the aircraft is controllable in flight and in the takeoff configuration with one engine operating at maximum power and the propeller of the other engine feathered
  9. What is the definition of VNO ?

    Normal Operating Limit and Maximum Structural Cruising Speed
  10. What is the definition of VNE ?
    Never Exceed Speed

    A speed that should never be exceeded due to the risk of control surface flutter or structural failure
  11. What is the definition of V?
    Maneuvering Speed

    The maximum speed for maneuvers involving an approach to a stall condition, or full application of one of the primary flight controls

    It is equal to the stalling speed of the aircraft at maximum allowable positive G Load

    At or below Vp, the aircraft will stall before flight loads exceed design limitations

    At speeds above Vp, design flight load limitations will be exceeded before the aircraft stall
  12. What is the definition of V?
    Rotation Speed

    The speed at which the pilot initiates a change in the attitude of the aircraft with the intention of leaving the ground
  13. What is the definition of VREF ?
    Landing Approach

    The speed used for final approach and landing, and also the speed upon which the balked  landing rate of climb and gradient of climb performance charts are based upon
  14. What is the definition of V?
    Stalling Speed (or minimum steady flight speed)

    The lowest speed at which  the aircraft is controllable
  15. What is the definition of VS0 ?
    Stalling Speed with a specified configuration at a specified weight
  16. What is the definition of VS1 ?
    Stalling Speed with a specified flap setting that is other than the landing flap setting
  17. What is the definition of VTD ?
    Touchdown Speed

    It is 1.05 of stall speed for a specified weight and flap configuration
  18. What is the definition of V?
    Best Angle of Climb Speed

    The speed that results in the greatest gain of altitude over a given horizontal distance forward
  19. What is the definition of V?
    Best Rate of Climb Speed

    The speed which results in the greatest gain of altitude within a given period of time
  20. What is the definition of VYSE ?
    Best Rate of Climb Speed - One Engine Inoperative
Card Set
General Airspeed Terminology and Symbols
Various speeds on the plane