What is the attachment of a phosphate group to another molecule called?
What is the most important method of energy storage in our cells?
The conversion of ADP to ATP
The most important method of energy release is...
the reversion of ATP to ADP
What enzyme is needed for the conversion of ATP to ADP?
Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase)
Which of the following is not a high energy compound?
D. All are high energy compounds (all high-energy compounds that transfer energy in specific enzymatic reactions)
A high-energy compound consisting of adenosine to which 3 phosphate groups are attached
What molecule is produced by the phosphorylation of ADP?
How many kcal/mole of energy is released when hydrolysis of terminal phosphate of ATP occurs?
A. ~7.3kcal/mole of energy
T/F Red Blood Cells (RBC) have a mitochondria
What inside a mitochondria increases surface area?
Cristae (the FOLDS)
What is the name of the "Liquid” inside the inner membrane where TCA cycle takes place?
Membranous organelle producing ATP; Powerplant of the cell
Sum of all synthesis reactions
Why do cells synthesize new organic molecules?
Cell growth
Repair &
Synthesis of energy reserves (glycogen, proteins)
What is the storage form of glucose?
What is the storage form of individual amino acids?
Smaller molecules --> Larger molecules
Sum of all decomposition reactions
Larger molecules --> Smaller molecules
When products go into a "NUTRIENT POOL" (ie. mashpoleggos) what can occur?
-Anabolism (make new molecules)
-Futher Catabolism in mitochondria
Catabolism in mitochondria 40% is used for ATP SYNTHESIS and 60% LOST AS HEAT
FYI not really lost as heat... its used to maintain our temperatures!!!
All Chemical Reactions occuring in organism
Anabolism + Catabolism =
What is in the center of all the chemical reactions in the body?
TCA aka Kreb cycle
What is the mitochondria's preferred energy source?
What is the only fuel that the brain uses under NORMAL conditions aka NON-starvation conditions
What is te only fuel that our red blood cells use?
What is the SECOND favorite energy source?
What is the THIRD favorite energy source?
NAME the following preferred energy sources in order (1 being the most favorite and 3 the least)
1. Glucose
2. Triglycerides
3. Proteins
What is the source of glucose?
Diet and Glycogen stores (in the liver)
What is the source of Triglycerides?
Diet and triglyceride sotres (adipocytes)
What is the source of proteins?
Diet and protein stores BUT ONLY UNDER DURESS ***muscle
Name all the processes involved in cellular respiration
TCA prep
TCA cycle
Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
What is used in cellular respiration to convert organic molecules into CO2 & H2O in order to create energy?
The use of O2 to convert organic molecules into CO2 & H2O (by removing electrons) in order to create energy is known as...
O2 is needed indirectly or directly for which of the following(can have more than 1 answer)
A. TCA Prep and c. TCA cycle (glycolysis doesnt need oxygen and ETC requires it DIRECTLY)
Non-protein, organic molecules; usually vitamins
Carry Hydrogen atoms (H) released during cellular respiration
H atom consists of...
proton (H+) + electron (e-)
Which of the two is the OXIDIZED form?
a. NAD+ b. NADH
a. NAD+
Where does Glycolysis occur?
in the Cytoplasm
How many ATPs does FADH2 make?
2 ATPs because it is ONLY made in the mitochondria
How many ATPs are made by NADH during GLYCOLYSIS?
only 2 ATPs
How many pyruvate at the end of glycolysis?
Pyruvic acid = Pyruvate (same thing)
During glycolysis 1 glucose is converted into ____ pyruvate
TWO (2) pyruvate
During Glycolysis 6 Carbon is converted into
2 @3 Carbon
4 ATP are generated from glycolysis... but how many did you start with?
2 ATPs are needed to begin
How many ATPs does 2 NADH make?
4 ATPs
What do the 2 pyruvates have to be converted into to enter TCA?
2 Acetyl CoA
How many ATPs are made during the TCA prep cycle?
2 Acetyl CoA is made by Coenzyme A combining with what?
2 Acetyl Groups (CH3CO)
Where does the TCA cycle occur?
in the mitochondria matrix
During TCA cycle.... Citric acid (6C) is made by coming acetyl group with ____
Oxaloacetic acid (4C)
Acetyl group combines with oxaloacetic acid (4C) --> citric acid (6C)
FIRST STEP OF TCA CYCLE (for some reason... a bigger molecule is made first????)
Why is oxygen indirectly needed during the TCA cycle?
The TCA cycle needs NAD+ and this depends on oxygen.
TCA Cycle : 2 cycles/glucose molecule
How is ATP made?
TCA cycle "pay-o-la"
4 CO2
and how many ATPs?
2 ATPs (from GTP)
What is the substrate level phosphorylation of the TCA cycle?
GTP broken down to GDP (energy released)… a phosphate bond was broken and from that ATP is formed
What are the two different phosphorylation types that make ATP
Substrate level Phosphorylation and Oxidative Phosphorylation
Which type of phosphorylation reaction makes more ATP?
Oxidative phosphorylation
Which enzyme is involved in oxidative phosphorylation?
ATP synthase
a simple reaction that makes huge amounts of energy... (rocket science)
2 H2 + O2 ---> 2 H2O
Highly exergonic reaction that must be dispersed over a series of small, controlled steps (in the ETC)
2 H2 + O2 ---> 2 H2O
What produces more than 90% of all the ATP made?
Electron Transport Chain... (ETC)
Electron Transport Chain... where does it occur?
Mitochondrial Inner Membrane
ETC players:
•NADH & FADH2 from Glycolysis TCA prep & TCA
•Proteins of the ETC: Coenzymes & cytochromes transfer electrons through a series of
oxidation-reduction reactions. Some can act as H+ pumps
• Oxygen: final electron acceptor
What is the final electron acceptor in the Electron Transport Chain?
Which of the following cycle does the NADH and FADH2 in the ETC come from?
D. All the above (NADH and FADH2 comes from Glycolysis, TCA prep, and TCA)
Eletron Transport Chain Summary:
NADH & FADH2 both carry 2 H atoms
& therefore release 2 electrons
REMEMBER :Before ETC starts there are 10 NADH and 2 FADH2 that are accumulated
AGAIN... what is the oxidized form of NADH and FADH2
NAD+ & FAD ...because in oxidation they give up their HYDROGEN :)
Hydrogen ions in the intermembrane space is POTENTIAL energy (ready to make ATP)
When the electrons are transfered into the ETC what type of energy is it giving to the proteins?
KINETIC energy... (like a hot potato) which then ENERGIZES the protein it then gets REDUCED and then its able to pump Hydrogen ions out of the intermembrane
Proteins in complex I and complex II are reduced in the INNERmembrane by the electrons and this cause it to ENERGIZED and be able to pump out HYDROGEN IONS into the INTERmembrane space
In ETC electrons enter and protons pumped out into the Intermembrane space ...HENCE ELECTRON transport chain :)
How many membranes in the Mitochodria? What are there names?
Outer membrane and Inner membrane (and the space in between is the INTERmembrane space)
Where are the protons pumped during ETC?
into the INTERmembrane Space
Proteins of the ETC:
Which ones accept H atoms (& become reduced) from NADH & FADH2
Proteins of the ETC:
Which one receives 2H atoms from NADH. Transfers 2e- to Coenzyme Q and pumps 2H+ into intermembrane space
Proteins of the ETC:
Receives 2H atoms from FADH2 and transfers 2e- to CO Q and 2H+ released (NOT PUMPED)
Complex II
Proteins of the ETC:
Receives e- from Complex I and Complex II and passed them to cytochromes
Coenzyme Q
Proteins of the ETC:
Carries electrons and becomes reduced.
Reduced/energized cytochrome complexes act as H+ pumps
Which of the two Complex is also a hydrogen pump?
Does complex II act as a pump?
NOPE!!!! (it releases 2 H+... doesnt PUMP it out)
Which of the following Proteins of the ETC act as H+?
Complex I , Complex II, Coenzyme Q and/or Cytochrome
For every NADH that comes into the ETC 6 H ions are pumped out
How about FADH2?
for every FADH2 4 hydrogen ions pumped out
Approximately for every 6 Hydrogen ions we are going to yield 3 ATPs
The ETC does not directly produce ATP
Q: What does it produce?
Hydrogen Ion Gradient
Quick Overview: GLYCOLYSIS
Conversion of glucose to pyruvate via using 2 ATPs
Cycling of acetyl CoA; removing electrons making H2O and CO2
Creation of 2 ATPs, 6 NADH and 2 FADH2
Quick Overview: Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Removal of Hydrogens from 10 NADH and 2 FADH2
Hydrogens separated into electron and protons
Transfer of electrons to oxygen and Hydrogen ions pumped into intermembrane space
Diffusion of protons activate ATP synthase
Conversion of ADP + Pi to ATP
The four main steps of cellular respiration in order
1. Glycolysis
2. TCA Prep
3. TCA
4. Electron Transport Chain
For every NADH produced during the TCA prep cycle and TCA cycles you get 3 ATPS because....
it takes place in the mitochondria
Out of ONE (1) glucose molecule how many ATPs do you get?
(2 from glycolysis... 2 from TCA... thats 4 so far
then 2 NADH (makes 4 ATP) from glycolysis
then 2 NADH (makes 6 ATP) from TCA prep
then 6 NADH (makes 18 ATP) from TCA
then 2 FADH (makes 4 ATP) from TCA..... 36 TOTAL)
Another name for anaerobic glycolysis?
lactic acid fermentation
How many ATPs made during lactic acid fermentation?
only 2 ATPs
Anaerobic Glycolysis:
Glycolysis can proceed in the absence of O2
-toxic lactic acid is produced in order to make NAD+
Yield: only 2 ATP (vs. 36)
Metabolic Vocab:
Glucose to pyruvate
Metabolic vocab:
Glucose to glycogen: glucose thats not used is stored in the liver/muscle, requires UTP
Metabolic Vocab:
Fat to pyruvate of acetyl CoA
Metaboic Vocab:
Acetyl CoA to glycerol or fatty acids (some F.A. needed from diet; unable to synthesize= esssential F.A_)
During gluconeogenesis, glucose is being created from carbohydrates, lactic acid, glycerol, and some amino acids... so is it the reverse of glycolysis?
NOOOOO it uses a different enzymatic pathway
Can Acetyl CoA generate pyruvate and therefor glucose?
NO ... gluconeogenesis can't be reversed
When your fasting, exercising, or eating a low glucse diet what can what can occur in your liver?
glycogenolysis aka glycogen catabolism
The enzyme involved in converting glycogen to glucose is _____
glycogen phosphorylase
Where is glycogen abundantly stored?
skeletal muscles and liver
Glycogenolysis (aka breaking down glycogen to glucose)
–Storage form of glucose
–Liver: helps maintain bloodglucose
•Readily mobilized source of glucose
–Exercise, fasting ordecreased dietary glucose
Skeletal muscle: supplies glucose for glycolysis --> ATP
Fuel source when ATP demands are high and O2 is low in skeletal muscle
LIPID Catabolism (aka lipolysis)
Lipids are catabolized into pieces that can be converted into pyruvate or channeled directly into the TCA cycle
What is the primary lipid in our body is _______
Triglycerides BROKEN down in to 3 FATTY ACIDS or GLYCEROL soooooo