the study of weather and weather forcasting; the study of places and human activities over time and the various geographic factors that have shaped them.
studying and making maps
geographic information system (GIS)
computer tools that process and organize data and satellite images with other information gathered by geographers and other scientists.
turning ocean water into fresh water by removing salt
thickets of woody bushes and short trees
term for weather patterns that an area typically experiences over a long period of time
tress such as evergreens that have cones and needle-shaped leaves and keep their foliage throughout the winter
cold and warm streams of water that move through the ocean
trees, usually broad leaved such as oak and maple that lose their foliage in autumn
El Niño
a periodic change in the pattern of ocean currents and water temperatures in the mid-Pacific region
one of two days (around March 21 & Sept. 23) on which the sun is directly above the equator, making the length of day and night equal
greenhouse effect
the capacity of certain gases in the atmosphere to trap heat, thereby warming the earth
global warming
gradual warming of the earth and its atmosphere that may be caused in part by pollution and an increase in the greenhouse effect
opposite side of the mountain (facing away from the directions the wind is blowing)
condition of the atmosphere in one place during a short period of time
frozen subsoil (below a thin layer of surface soil that thaws in the summer)
rain shadow (effect)
causes dry areas (deserts, too) to develop on the leeward sides of mountain ranges
revolution (of the earth)
one trip around the sun (a few hours more than 365 days)
rotation (of the earth)
one spin of the earth on its axis (takes a little less than 24 hours)
the side of the mountain range facing the wind
one of two says (about June 21 & Dec. 22) on which the sun's rays strike directly on the Tropic of Cancer or Capricorn, marking the beginning of summer or winter
way of life a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs
cultural diffusion
process of spreading new knowledge and skills from one culture to another
culture hearth
warly centers of civilization whose ideas and practices spread to surrounding areas
death rate
number of deaths per year for every 1000 people
any system of gov't in which leaders rule with the consent of the citizens
developed country
countries having much technology and manufacturing; most people work in manufacturing or service industries and enjoy high standard living
developing country
working toward greater manufacturing and technology use
doubling time
number of years it takes a population to double in size
ethnic group
people who share a common language, history, place of origin, or a combination of these elements
free trade
the removal of barriers so that goods can flow freely among countries
spread of industry
language family
large groups of languages having similar roots
market economy
individuals and private groups make decisions about what to produce. Shoppers choose what products they want and businesses make more of what they think customers like
mixed economy
one in which the gov't supports and regulates free enterprise through decisions that affect the market place
population density
average number of people living on a square mile or square km of land
any system of gov't in which a small group holds the power
population distribution
pattern of human settlement
traditional economy
habit and custom determine the rules for all economic activity. Individuals cannot make choices based on what they want.
any system of gov't in which power and authority to rule belong to a single individual
birth rate
number of births per year for every 1000 people
command economy
gov't owns the means of production -- land labor, capital (machinary, factories), and business managers -- and controls the distribution of goods