Anatomy Lab 2

  1. What stage in the cell cycle is this?
    Image Upload 2
    Interphase [Picture]
  2. What stage in the cell cycle is this?
    Image Upload 4
    Prophase [Picture]
  3. What stage in the cell cycle is this?
    Image Upload 6
    Metaphase [Picture]
  4. What stage in the cell cycle is this?
    Image Upload 8
    Anaphase [Picture]
  5. What stage in the cell cycle is this?
    Image Upload 10
    Telophase [Picture]
  6. What type of tissue is this? Where is it?
    Image Upload 12
    Squamos Epithelium [Picture]

    Forms Epidermis
  7. What type of cell type is this?
    Image Upload 14
    Squamos Epithelium [Picture]
  8. What type of cell type is this?
    Image Upload 16
    Cuboidal Epithelium [Picture]
  9. What type of cell type is this?
    Image Upload 18
    Cuboidal Epithelium [Picture]
  10. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 20
    Columnar Epithelium [Picture]
  11. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 22
    Columnar Epithelium [Picture]
  12. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 24
    Connective - Adipose [Picture]
  13. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 26
    Connective - Adipose [Picture]
  14. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 28
    Connective - Bone [Picture]
  15. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 30
    Connective - Hyaline Cartilage [Picture]
  16. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 32
    Connective - Hyaline Cartilage [Picture]
  17. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 34
    Muscle - Skeletal [Picture]
  18. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 36
    Muscle - Skeletal [Picture]
  19. What specific type of tissue is this?
    Image Upload 38
    Nervous - Neuron [Picture]
  20. What is in Nucleus during Interphase?
    Chromatin and Nucleoli
  21. Chromosomes? Chromatids? Chromatin?
    Chromosomes are formed out of chromatin when cell is getting ready to divide. Chromosomes turn into sister Chromatids when division is in process.
  22. The connecting point of chromatids in a chromosomes is called?
  23. What is Chromatin?
    thread-like filaments of DNA in nucleus.
  24. What does Interphase look like?
    normal cell growth. Visible nucleus, nuclear membrane, nucleoli, and chromatin
  25. What does Prophase look like?
    • nuclear membrane and nucleoli disappear.
    • Chromosomes appear.
  26. What does Metaphase look like?
    Chromosomes line up on equator of the cell
  27. What does Anaphase look like?
    Chromatids from each chromosome separates and are pulled to opposite sides of the cell.
  28. What does Telophase look like?
    • Chromatids reach extremes of cell.
    • Nuclear membrane appear around each cluster
    • Nucleoli reappear
    • Cell plate appears between nuclei
    • Cytokinesis occurs.
  29. What do Skeletal Muscles look like?
    • Striated but no interculated disks.
    • Have many nuclei
  30. Who has Striations?
    only found on Skeletal and Cardiac.
  31. What do Cardiac Muscles look like?
    Striated, intercalated disks.
  32. What do Smooth Muscle look like?
    no striations, spindle shaped
  33. What are the stages of the Cell Cycle?
    • 1. Interphase
    • 2. Prophase
    • 3. Metaphase
    • 4. Anaphase
    • 5. Telophase
  34. What are the four basic Tissues?
    • 1. epitherlial
    • 2. connective
    • 3. muscle
    • 4. nervous
  35. What are the three Cell Types of epithelial tissues?
    • 1. squamous
    • 2. cuboidal
    • 3. columnar
  36. What are the three types of Muscle tissue?
    • 1. Skeletal
    • 2. Cardiac
    • 3. Smooth
  37. What are some Connective tissues?
    • Bone
    • Adipose
    • Hyaline Cartilage
    • Blood
  38. Phylogeny
    the evolutionary history of a group of organisms
  39. Homologies
    any character or structure that is similar in two or more organisms due to common ancestory
  40. Analogies
    any character that is similar bcause two organisms evolved under similar environmental pressures
  41. Taxonomy
    the study of the basis, principles, procedures, and rules of classification
  42. Cladistics is also called
  43. Cladistics
    places organisms into groups based on their recency of common descent.
  44. Synapomorphies
    is a shared, derived (different from the ancestral condition) character
  45. Symplesiomorphies
    is a shared ancestral condition
  46. Volvox
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Chlorophyta
    • Green Algae
  47. Giardia
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Retortamonada
    • Class: Diplomonadea
  48. Trichomonas
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Axostylata
    • Class Parabasalea
  49. Euglena
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Euglenozoa
    • Class Auglenoidea
    • Same Phylum as Typanosoma
  50. Typanosoma
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Euglenozoa
    • Class Trypanosomatidea
    • Same Phylum as Euglena
  51. Plasmodium
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Apicomplexa
    • Class Coccidea
  52. Paramecium
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Ciliophora (same as Stentor, Vorticella, Didinium)
  53. Stentor
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Ciliophora (same as Paramecium, Vorticella, Didinium)
  54. Vorticella
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Ciliophora (same as Paramecium, Stentor, Didinium)
  55. Didinium
    • Kingdom Protista
    • Phylum Ciliophora (same as Paramecium, Stentor, Vorticella)
  56. What need to be located on Amoeba?
    Nucleus and pseudopodia
  57. What needs to be located on Difflugia?
    the test
  58. What needs to be located on Volvox?
    daughter colony
  59. What needs to be located on Trichomonas?
  60. What needs to be located on Plasmodium?
    Ring Stage
  61. What needs to be located on Paramecium?
    • Cilia
    • Contractive Vacuole
    • Micronucleus
    • Macronucleus
  62. What does the Iris Diaphtagm control?
    Resolution or Resolving Power.
  63. What does condensor do?
    condenses light
  64. Not eye piece but
    occular lens
  65. 4x
    scanning objective lens
  66. 40x
    high dry objective lens
  67. 100x
    oil immersion objective lens
  68. Parfocal
    stays focused from one power to the next
  69. Total magnification
    objective lens x occular lens
  70. Name:
    Image Upload 40
  71. Identify the line
    Image Upload 42

  72. Name:
    Image Upload 44
  73. Identify the top lines:
    Image Upload 46

  74. Name:
    Image Upload 48
  75. Name:
    Image Upload 50
  76. Name:
    Image Upload 52
  77. Name the top line:
    Image Upload 54
    Contractile Vacuole

  78. Name the middle line:
    Image Upload 56

  79. Name the bottom line:
    Image Upload 58

  80. Name the lone line:
    Image Upload 60

  81. Name:Image Upload 62
  82. Name the line:
    Image Upload 64
    Ring Stage

  83. Name:
    Image Upload 66
  84. Name the line:
    Image Upload 68

  85. Name:
    Image Upload 70
  86. Name:
    Image Upload 72
  87. Name:
    Image Upload 74
  88. Name:
    Image Upload 76
  89. Name the line:
    Image Upload 78
    Daughter Colony

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Anatomy Lab 2