PH exam review

  1. What are the 6 dimensions of wellness?
    physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, spiritual, environmental.
  2. The precontemplative stage is characterized by...
    A belief that there is no need for change.
  3. Which of the following is a stressor?
    bad grade.
  4. The branch of the autonomic nervous system that is activated when a person is exposed to a stressor is the _____ nervous system.
  5. Which of the following is a cognitive technique for stress management?
    thinking constructively
  6. 2nd level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
    Saftey & Security
  7. Optimism, trust, and self-confidence are componets of...
    Emotional wellness
  8. The behavior one identifies for change is called...
    target behavior
  9. person who suppresses anger and feels hopeless is personality type...
  10. Being inner directed is most closely associated with...
  11. Goal of healthy people 2010 is...
    eliminate health disparities among americans
  12. Which is positive social influence on health behavior?
    supportive friends
  13. Which is characterized by the stress response?
    blood pressure increase
  14. Ex of a resilient person would be...
    a low-income student graduating from college
  15. Erikson's model is experienced...
  16. Hardiness:
    deals well with stress
  17. 3 EX of stress related health problems that could result from changes in immune system functioning.
    Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, accelerated aging.
  18. unaaceptable feelings being transfered from one event or person to a less threatening one is...
  19. defense mechanism:
    coping mechanisms
  20. 2 behaviors promote the development of intellectual wellness.
    find new hobby, take a class
  21. Devin wants to start exercising in 1 month. List stage and steps.
    Preparation: 1)create a plan ; 2)sign a contract ; 3)take small steps
  22. 3 things a person could do to manage their stress.
    exercise, sleep, relax
  23. Public speaking is a...
    fear of being observed by others.
  24. Anxiety disorder:
    • Simple phobia (fear of object, situation)
    • Social phobia (fear of being observed)
    • Panic disorder (severe anxiety attacks, suddenly)
    • Generalize Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (excessive worry)
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    • –-Obsession: recurrent unwanted thoughts (hurting someone, getting germs)
    • –-Compulsion: repetitive difficult to resist actions
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  25. Depression syptoms:
    • -Feeling of sadness and hopelessness
    • -Loss of pleasure
    • -Poor appetite/overeating
    • -Insomnia
    • -Restlessness
    • -Thoughts of worthlessness
    • -Trouble concentrating
    • -Thoughts of death or suicide
  26. Mania:
    Excessive elation, irritability, talkativeness, need little sleep, spend lots of money, fantastic projects.
  27. Bipolar:
    • ›Alternating periods of depression and mania
    • ›Treatment: tranquilizers (lithium) mania
    • ›Treatment: anticonvulsants (stabilize moods)
  28. Schizophrenia:
    • ›Cause still uncertain: possible chemical imbalance and/or certain genes increase risk
    • Characterized by a disturbance in thinking and in perceiving reality.
    • žGeneral characteristics:
    • –Disorganized thoughts
    • –Inappropriate emotions
    • –Delusions
    • –Auditory hallucinations
    • –Deteriorating social and work function
  29. Biological Therapy:
    emphasis on changing brain chemistry.
  30. Pharmacological therapy
    • 1.Antidepressants (prozac, wellbutrin, effexor)
    • 2.Mood stabilizers (lthium, topomax)
    • 3.Antipsychotics (reduce hallicinations- haldol, risperdal)
    • 4.Anti anxiety agents (xanax, diazepam
  31. behavioral therapy:
    emphasis on changing behavior
  32. Cognitive therapy:
    • (emphasizes changing thoughts)
    • -Ideas and attitudes affect behavior and feelings
    • -Cognitive therapy- identifies false ideas (Ex. I am fat)
  33. Psychodynamic therapy
    • (emphasis changing thoughts)
    • -focus on present not past/therapist facilitates self-exploration
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PH exam review
exam review for personal health