
  1. Hip Muscles
    Gluteus Medius
    • O: External Surface of the ilium between iliac crest and posterior and anterior gluteal lines
    • I: Greater trochanter of femur
    • A: Abducts the coxal joint
    • Fexes the coxal joint
    • Medially rotates the coxal joint
    • Laterally rotate the coxal joint
  2. Gluteus Minimus
    • O: External surface of the ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
    • I: Anterior surface of geater trochanter of femur
    • A: Abducts the coxal joint
    • Medially rotates the coxal joint
    • Flexes the coxal joint
  3. Deep Rotators of the hip
    • O: Anterior Sacrum
    • I: Greater Trochanter
    • A: Laterally rotates the coxal joint
    • Abducts the thiigh when the coxal joint is flexed
  4. Muscle of the Anterior thigh
    • O: Anterior superior iliac spine
    • I: Proximal medial shaft of the tibia (pes anserine tendon)
    • A: Flexes the coxal joint
    • Laterally rotates the coxal joint
    • Abducts the coxal joint
    • Flexes the tibiofemoral joint
    • Medially rotates the flexed tibiofemoral joint
  5. Muscles of the Medial Thigh
    • O: Inferior ramus of pubis and ramis of ischium
    • I: Proximal medial shaft of tibia at pes anserine tendon
    • A: Adduction of the coxal joint
    • Medial rotation of the coxal joint
    • Flexion and medial rotation of the tibiofemoral joint
  6. 4Adductor muscles
    • Pectineus
    • Adductor Brevis
    • Adductor Longus
    • Adductor Magnus
  7. Adductor Magunus
    • O: Inferior ramus of pubis
    • Ramis of ischium
    • Ischial tuberosity
    • I: Linea aspera and adductor tubercle
    • A: Adduction of the coxal joint
    • Medial rotation of the coxal joint
    • Extends the coxal jint
    • Assists to flex the coxal joint
  8. Adductor Longus
    • O: Pubic Tubercle
    • I: Medial Lip of linea aspera
    • A: Adduction of the coxal joint
    • Assists in flexion of the coxal joint
    • Assists in medial rotation of the coxal joint
  9. Adductor Brevis
    • O: Inferior ramus of pubis
    • I: Pectineal line and medial lip of linea aspera
    • A: Adduction of the coxal joint
    • Assists in flexion of the coxal joint
    • Assists in medial rotation of the coxal joint
  10. Pectineus"the 4th adductor"
    • O: Superior ramus of pubis
    • I: Pectineal line of femur
    • A: Adduction of the coxal joint
    • Asists in flexion of the coxal joint
    • Assists in medial rotation of the coxal joint
  11. Iliopsoas
    • O:
    • Psoas: Bodies and transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae
    • Iliacus: Iliac fossa
    • I: Lesser trochanter of the femur
    • A: Flexes the coxal joint
    • Laterally rotates the coxal joint
    • Adducts the coxal joint
Card Set
OIA's for mak121 weeks 8-9