
  1. 蜡烛
    làzhú: candle (一支,一根)
  2. rán: to burn; to light
  3. 菜肴
    cài​yáo: vegetable and meat dishes
  4. bù: to spread; to set up
  5. 就位
    jiùwèi: to be seated
  6. 感谢
    gǎn​xiè: gratitude; grateful; thanks; thankful
  7. 上天
    shàngtiān: Heaven; God; Providence
  8. 赐予
    cìyǔ: to grand; to bestow
  9. nào: to disturb; to make noise
  10. 尴尬
    gāngà: awkward; embarrassed
  11. fán (凡是): every; all
  12. 嘱咐
    zhǔfù: to tell; to exhort; to advise
  13. 风俗
    fēngsú: social custom
  14. 仪式
    yíshì: ceremony
  15. 颤抖
    chàndǒu: to shudder; to shiver; to tremble
  16. 摇曳​
    yáoyè: to flicker (of flame); to sway
  17. 烛光
    zhúguāng: candle light
  18. 儿时
    érshí: childhood
  19. 平静
  20. píng​jìng: tranquil; serene; undisturbed
  21. 如水
    rúshuǐ: like water
  22. 情感
  23. 情感qíng​gǎn: feeling; emotion
  24. 翻fān: to turn over; to flip over
    fān: to turn over; to flip over
  25. 滔天
    tāotiān: billowing; (of crime or evil) monstrous
  26. 巨浪
    jùlàng: billows; monstrous waves; a high rough sea
  27. wéi: to encircle; to surround
  28. mō: to feel with the hand; to stroke
  29. 老天爷
    Lǎo​tiān​yé​: Heavens
  30. shǎng: to bestow; to give; to hand down; to reward
  31. 糟蹋
    糟蹋zāo​tà: to waste; to abuse
  32. 粮食
    粮食liáng​shi: foodstuff; cereals
  33. 打倒
    dǎ​dǎo: to knock down; to overthrow
  34. 偶像
    偶像ǒu​xiàng: idol
  35. 破除
    破除pò​chú: to eliminate; to do aways with; to get rid of
  36. 迷信
    迷信mí​xìn: superstition
  37. 为wéi: as; to act as
  38. 内容
    内容nèi​róng: content; substance; details
  39. 关帝庙
    关帝庙guāndì miào: a temple (shrine) for Guan Yu, a general in the Three Kingdoms period. Guan Yu was deified and is still worshipped by some Chinese people today
  40. 供桌
    供桌gòngzhuō: an altar
  41. 周仓
    周仓zhōucāng: Guan Yu’s subordinate staff
  42. 关平
    关平guānpíng: Guan Yu’s son
  43. 老天爷也者
    老天爷也者yězhě: such words about Heavens
  44. 既…又
    既…又: both… and …
  45. 多余
    多余duō​yú: superfluous; surplus; unnecessary
  46. 落伍
    落伍luò​wǔ: to fall behind
  47. 尊敬
    zūn​jìng: respect; to revere
  48. 确实
    què​shí: indeed; really
  49. zhèng: to earn
  50. and indistinct
  51. 立lì: to set up; to establish渺茫miǎo​máng​: uncertain; remote; vague; distant and indistinct
  52. wèi: not yet; did not
  53. 任何
    rèn​hé: any; whatever; whichever; whatsoever
  54. 改变
    gǎi​biàn: to change; to alter; to transform
  55. 由于
    yóu​yú: due to; as a result of; because
  56. 一串
    一串yī​chuàn​: strand
  57. 奇怪
    奇怪qí​guài: strange; odd
  58. 现象
    现象xiàn​xiàng: phenomenon
  59. 咬牙
    yǎo​yá: to clench one’s teeth; to grind the teeth
  60. 明明
    明明míng​míng: obviously; undoubtedly
  61. 滴dī: to drop
  62. 汗珠
    汗珠hàn​zhū: beads of sweat
  63. 捡jiǎn: to pick up; to collect; to gather
  64. 麦穗
    麦穗màisuì: ear of wheat/barley/oats grain
  65. hùn: thoughtless; confused
  66. 混吃混玩
    : eat and play without a clear thought; muddle-headed
  67. 心理
    xīn​lǐ: mental; psychological
  68. 状态
    zhuàng​tài: situation; state; state of affairs
  69. 状态
    zhuàng​tài: situation; state; state of affairs
  70. 浏览
    浏览liú​lǎn: to skim over; to browse
  71. 爱因斯坦
    爱因斯坦Ài​yīn​sī​tǎn: Albert Einstein
  72. 领悟
    领悟lǐng​wù: to comprehend; to understand
  73. 科学
    kē​xué: science
  74. 性xìng: nature; character; quality
  75. 科学性:
  76. 科学性: of science; scientific
  77. 文集
    文集wén​jí: collected works
  78. 专zhuān: for a particular purpose, person, occasion
  79. 载zǎi: to record in writing
  80. 纪念
    纪念jì​niàn: to commemorate; in memory of; a memento
  81. 葬礼
    葬礼zàng​lǐ: funeral
  82. 所suǒ: particle introducing a relative clause; that which (appear after the subject in the relative clause)
  83. 发表
    发表fā​biǎo: to issue; to publish
  84. 忽然
    hū​rán: suddenly
  85. 发现
    发现fā​xiàn: to discover
  86. 尽量
    尽量jìn​liàng: as much as possible; to the greatest extent
  87. 听众
    听众tīng​zhòng: audience; listeners
  88. 即jí: namely; that is
  89. 贡献
    贡献gòng​xiàn: to contribute; contribution
  90. 源于
    源于yuán​yú: has its origin in
  91. 甲乙
    甲jiǎ乙​yǐ: first two of the ten heavenly stem; used to refer to indefinite items, such as A, B, etc. in English
  92. 相干
    相干xiāng​gān: relevant; to have to do with
  93. 亘古
    gèn​gǔ: throughout time; from ancient times up to the present; forever
  94. 亘: extending all the way across
  95. 崭新
    崭新zhǎn​xīn: brand new
  96. 独创
    独创dú​chuàng​: original; creativity
  97. 狭义相对论
    狭义相对论xiá​yì​ xiāng​duì​lùn: special relativity
  98. 参考
    参考cān​kǎo: reference; consultation; to refer 引yǐn: to cite
  99. 天外飞来一笔
    tiānwài fēilái yìbǐ: to insert out of nowhere; to say/write something not relevant to the context
  100. 贝索
    贝索bèisuǒ: Michelangelo Besso; a friend of Einstein
  101. 奋斗
    fèn​dòu: to strive; to struggle
  102. 苦思
    苦思kǔ​sī: to think hard
  103. 广义相对论
    广义相对论guǎng​yì ​xiāng​duì​lùn​: general relativity; Einstein’s theory of gravity
  104. 部分
    部分bù​fèn: part
  105. 推tuī: to push; to nominate
  106. 昔年
    昔年xī​nián: former years; previous years
  107. 合作
    合作hé​zuò: to collaborate; to cooperate
  108. 谦抑
    谦抑qiānyì: modest
  109. 居功
    居功jū​gōng: to claim credit for oneself
  110. 大功
    dà​gōng: great merit; great service; big success
  111. 竟jìng: unexpectedly; indeed
  112. 于yú: to; in; at;
  113. 奔波
    bēn​bō: to rush about; to be constantly on the move
  114. 学术
  115. 学术xué​shù: academic
  116. 觉悟
    jué​wù: awareness; consciousness; enlightenment
  117. 得之于人者太多
    得之于人者太多: the portion you get from others is too much
  118. 出之于己者太少
    出之于己者太少: the portion you contribute is too little 罢ba: (final particle, same as 吧) 不是…即是: if not …, then … 先人: forefathers; an ancestor 遗爱yíài: the affection left (from the ancestor) 遗产yí​chǎn: heritage; legacy 众人zhòng​rén: everyone 支持zhī​chí: to support 等候děng​hòu: to wait 机会jī​huì: opportunity 渺小miǎo​xiǎo: minute; tiny; negligible; insignificant
  119. 罢ba: (final particle, same as 吧)
  120. 不是…即是
    不是…即是: if not …, then …
  121. 先人
    先人: forefathers; an ancestor 遗
  122. 爱yíài: the affection left (from the ancestor)
  123. 遗产
    遗产yí​chǎn: heritage; legacy
  124. 众人
    众人zhòng​rén: everyone
  125. 支持
    支持zhī​chí: to support
  126. 等候
    等候děng​hòu: to wait
  127. 机会
    机会jī​huì: opportunity
  128. 渺小
    渺小miǎo​xiǎo: minute; tiny; negligible; insignificant
  129. 于是
    于是yú​shì: thus; as a result; hence
  130. 创业
    创业chuàng​yè: to start a major task; to begin an undertaking; to venture
  131. 自然而然
    自然而然zì​rán​'ér​rán: involuntarily; automatically
  132. 败家bài​jiā​的人
    败家bài​jiā​的人: a spendthrift; a wastrel; a
  133. 无时
    无时wúshí: never (used with 不)
Card Set
Chinese vocab