251 Lab 9

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Plate 1 no antibiotics
    • Plate 2 II & M have resistance
    • Plate 3 I & M have resistance
    • Plate 4 M has resistance
  2. potable
    safe to drink
  3. Coliform bacteria are members of the __________family.
  4. Coliform bacteria
    3 parts
    • facultative anaerobic,
    • gram negative rods,
    • produce acid and gas from the fermentation of lactose
  5. presence of ______indicates the presence of ____ _____ and the possible presence of pathogens
    • coliforms
    • fecal contamination
  6. _______and ________media typically select for the growth of gram negative bacteria, inhibiting most gram positive bacteria, and differentiate lactose fermenters (coliforms) from those gram negatives that do not ferment lactose (non-coliforms).
    • selective
    • differential
  7. _____ ____ ____contains dyes eosin Y and methylene blue which inhibit gram positive bacteria.
    Eosin Methylene Blue EMB
  8. E. coli produces a striking metallic _____sheen due to the excessive _____ production from ____ _____.
    • green
    • acid
    • lactose fermentation
  9. Other coliforms produce less acid and turn the medium ___ to dark ____.
    • pink 
    • purple
  10. ___-______are non- pigmented or the color of the medium.
  11. ____ ____ _____aims at differentiating Salmonella and Shigella from other enterics.
    Hektoen/Enteric Agar HEA
  12. ___ ___ inhibit the growth of most gram positive bacteria
  13. Enterics fermenting any of the three available sugars such as E. coli are typically ____ ____ and non-fermenters, such as Shigella, are typically ___-___.
    • pinkish orange
    • blue-green
  14. HEA also has ____ ___ ____ which will react with any H2S produced to form a ____ ferrous sulfide
    • ferric ammonium citrate
    • black
  15. ______ typically produces H2S and colonies will have some ____.
    • Salmonella
    • black
  16. ___ ___is also used to differentiate Salmonella and Shigella from other enterics.
    MacConkey Agar MCA
  17. MCA contains ___ ___ and crystal violet which ____ gram positives.
    • inhibit
  18. The neutral red indictor dye turns lactose fermenters/COLIFORM ____ and the non-fermenters/NON-COLIFORM are ____.
    • pink
    • colorless
  19. ___ ____ _ ___is selective for gram negative organisms and contains a substrate and indicator dye that turns a blue/green color when the colony is expressing the enzyme β-D-galactosidase (GAL).
    Rapid E.coli 2 Agar
  20. Rapid E.coli 2 Agar is selective for gram negative organisms and contains a substrate and indicator dye that turns a ___/___ color when the colony is expressing the enzyme _____.
    • β-D-galactosidase (GAL).
  21. To help distinguish E.coli from other coliforms, Rapid E.coli 2 Agar contains a second enzyme detection system which turns the colony a ___/___ color if the bacteria are expressing the E. coli-specific enzyme _______ in addition to the GAL expressed by all coliforms
    • purple/pink
    • β-D-glucoronidase (GLU)
  22. On Rapid E.coli 2 Agar the non-coliform gram (-) bacteria will appear ___/___ on the agar. Whereas non-E.coli coliforms will be ___/___ and E.coli will be ___/___.
    • clear/white
    • blue/green
    • purple/pink
  23. Image Upload 4
    MacConkey Agar
    Image Upload 6
  24. Image Upload 8
    Eosin Methylene Blue
    Image Upload 10
  25. Image Upload 12
    Hektoen Enteric Agar
    Image Upload 14
  26. Image Upload 16
    Rapid E.Coli 2 Agar
    3 part answer
    Image Upload 18
  27. Gram positive cocci include opportunistic pathogens such as _____ _____(typically clusters in a Gram stain) and ____ ____(typically chains in a Gram stain).
    • Staphylococcus aureus
    • Enterococcus fecalis
  28. They are gram positive cocci, typically in clusters, and are catalase positive.
  29. ____ is one enzyme used by aerobic and facultative bacteria that catalyzes this reaction as follows:
    • Catalase
    • Image Upload 19
  30. The ____test is performed by placing a loopful of the bacterial colony into a drop of ____ ____ and watching for bubble formation.
    • catalase
    • hydrogen peroxide
  31. _____,which is microaerophilic, does not produce catalase.
  32. S.aureus is?
    2 part
    • hemolytic 
    • ferments mannitol
  33. _ _____ may be normal flora of the vaginal tract and is associated with urinary tract infections.
    S. saprophyticus
  34. ____ ____ is a common member of skin flora but may be associated with hospital acquired blood stream infections
    Staphylococcus epidermidis
  35. Staphylococcus epidermidis
    4 part
    • non-hemolytic on blood
    • halotolerant,
    • does not ferment mannitol,
    • coagulase negative.
  36. Mannitol Salt Agar plate colors (MSA)
    2 part
    • Yellow is += acid formation,
    • pink is - = no acid formation.
  37. Blood Agar tests for?
  38. Image Upload 20
    top tube produces coagulase and the serum becomes a gel. The bottom tube is negative for coagulase production and remains watery.
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Card Set
251 Lab 9
251 Lab 9