
  1. What does non-verbal communication consist of?
    Metacommunication and kinesic messages
  2. Define metacommunication
    A message not expressed in words that accompanies a message expressed in words
  3. Define kinesic messages
    Physical gestures, body language, vocal cues like tone of voice
  4. List 4 cultural differences.
    • Eye contact
    • Time
    • Physical contact
    • Silence
  5. Define casual listening.
    Listening for pleasure. Provides relaxing breaks from more serious tasks, supports our emotional health.
  6. Define intensive listening.
    Listening to solve problems or during persuasion. Involves your analytical ability.
  7. Define empathetic listening.
    Listening to someone to attempt to share their feelings or emotions. Ex. Consoling a friend
  8. What is listening for information?
    Listening to fulfill a search for data or material
  9. List 6 poor listening habits.
    Faking attention. Allowing disruptions to distract you. Overlistening. Stereotypes. Dismissing subjects as uninteresting. Failing to observe non-verbal messages.
  10. Define high self-monitors
    Individuals who are highly aware of their impression management behavior.
  11. Define low self-monitors
    Individuals who communicate with little attention to the responses to their messages.
  12. Define avoidance.
    A conscious attempt to avoid engaging with people in the dominant group. Passive agressive
  13. Define aggressive
    Act in ways that sabotage their ability to establish supportive relationships with others
  14. Define assertive
    Clearly articulates what you want from others. Direct communication, but doesn't attack or blame.
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