
  1. Significant Figures
    the digits of the demical form of a # beginning with the leftmost nonzero digits and extending to the right
  2. Define Inversely Proportional
    a relationship where a # either increases as another decreases OR decreases as the another increases
  3. Define Directly Proportional
    a relationship where a # increases or both decreases together with another # at the same ratio
  4. Define Accuracy
    how close the average of a set of measurements is to the accept value (AAA)
  5. Define Precision
    how close a set of measurement values are to one another (reproducibility)
  6. Define Density
    the amount per unit size
  7. Tera is equal to what ??
    T, 10^12
  8. Giga is equal to what ??
    G, 10^9
  9. Mega is equal to what ??
    M, 10^6
  10. Kilo is equal to what ??
    K, 10^3
  11. Hecto is equal to what ??
    h, 10^2
  12. Deka is equal to what ??
    da, 10^1
  13. Deci is equal to what ??
    d, 10^-1
  14. Centi is equal to what ??
    C, 10^-2
  15. Mili is equal to what ??
    m, 10^-3
  16. Micro is equal to what ??
    M, 10^-6
  17. Nano is equal to what ??
    n, 10^-9
  18. Pico is equal to what ??
    p, 10^-12
  19. Solve: (2.1 * 10^6)(4.0 * 10^-4)
    8.4 * 10^2
  20. 1.6 * 10^-8/ 8.0 * 10^-3
    2. * 10^-6
  21. 4.0 * 10^4
    +6 * 10^3
    4.6 * 10^7
  22. 8.0 * 10^-4
    - 9 * 10^-5
    7.1 * 10^-4
  23. What is the Density Formula ??
  24. What is the % Error Formula ??
    % Error= exp-acc divide by acc, multiplied by 100 %
Card Set
Measurements and Calculations