1. Frontal Sinus
  2. Sphenoidal Sinus
  3. Vomer
  4. Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid
  5. Ethmoid Bone
  6. Hard Palate
  7. Palatine Process of Maxilla
  8. Palatine Bone
  9. Superior Nasal Concha
  10. Middle Nasal Concha
  11. Inferior Nasal Concha
  12. Superior Meatus
  13. Middle Meatus
  14. inferior Meatus
  15. Internal Nares
  16. External Nares
  17. Soft Palate
  18. Uvula
  19. Opening of the Auditory Tube
  20. Nasopharynx
  21. Oropharynx
  22. Laryngopharynx
  23. Epiglottis
  24. Thyroid Cartilage
  25. Cricoid Cartilage
  26. Corniculate Cartilage L
  27. Arytenoid Cartilage
  28. Laryngeal Prominence
  29. Thyrohyoid Ligament
  30. Cricothyroid Ligament
  31. Vocal Fold L
  32. Vestibular Fold L
  33. Trachea
  34. Right Primary Bronchus
  35. Secondary Bronchi R
  36. Tertiary Bronchi R
  37. Horizontal Fissure
  38. Left Oblique Fissure (or R)
  39. Superior Lobe R
  40. Right Middle Lobe
  41. Inferior Lobe R
  42. Alveoli
  43. Terminal Bronchiole
  44. Segmental Artery
  45. Segmental Vein
  46. Tidal Volume (TV)
    2 part
    • volume of air moved in OR out of the lungs in a normal resting breath.
    • 500 mL for men
    • 400 mL for women.
  47. Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)
    2 part
    • amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled from the lungs after a normal, quiet exhalation (tidal air).
    • 1000 mL in males
    • 700 mL in females.
  48. Vital Capacity (VC)
    2 part
    • Maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after a maximum inhalation
    • 3000-5000ml
  49. Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)
    • amount of air that can be forcibly inhaled after a normal quiet inspiration. 
    • 3000 mL in males
    • 1900 mL in females.
  50. Residual Volume (RV)
    • amount of air left in the lungs following a forceful exhalation
    • 1200 mL in males
    • 1100 mL in females
  51. apnea
    no breathing
  52. After hyperventilating in fresh air, blood carbon dioxide content increases? decreases?
    ⇩ CO2
  53. decrease in blood carbon dioxide levels is followed by an increase? a decrease? in the rate and depth of respiration.
    ⇩ Rate of Respiration
  54. Hyperventilation into the paper bag causes the blood carbon dioxide content to decrease? increase?
    ⇧ CO2
  55. an increase in blood carbon dioxide will be followed by a decrease? increase? in the rate and depth of respiration.
    ⇧ Rate of Respiration
  56. The subject was able to hold their breath longer when they did? did not? hyperventilate first (without a paper bag)
    Hold longer
  57. The explanation for the results observed in the preceding answer is that hyperventilation decreases the _______content of the blood so it takes longer for it to accumulate high enough to stimulate respiration.
  58. Based on the results obtained in these experiments, you can conclude that the rate and depth of respirations are inversely? directly? related to blood carbon dioxide levels.
  59. Normally when blood carbon dioxide levels increase, rate of respiration increases? decreases?
    ⇧ CO2 ⇧ Rate of Respiration
  60. Bronchiole
  61. trachea
  62. goblet cells.
  63. hyaline cartilage
  64. alveoli
  65. capillaries
  66. diaphragm
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