flashcards lecture test 1.txt

  1. What are the 5 functions of bone?
    • Support
    • Protection
    • Manufacture of blood cells
    • Mineral resivoir
    • muscle attachement
  2. Name the term for a bone cell.
  3. What is the root word for bone(s)?
  4. What is the name for the membrane surrounding bone, to which muscles attach?
  5. The end of long bones is called the _____________
  6. Name the term for the diameter of long bones
  7. The axial skeleton makes up the __________ ______
    center axis
  8. The axial skeleton includes:
    • the skull
    • vertebral column
    • & rib cage
  9. The skull is comprised of how many bones, sutures, & fontanels?
  10. Proximal is
    nearest to the point of origin
  11. Distil is
    farthest to the point of origin
  12. Origin is
    where a muscle attaches to a bone where NO movement occurs
  13. Insertion is
    where musle attahes to bone, where movement occurs
  14. Name the term for the soft spots of the skull, where two bones intersect
  15. Name the fontanel loated at the coronal & sagittal suture
    the frontal fontanel
  16. what fontanel is loated at the sagittal & ambdoidal suture?
    the occipital fontanel
  17. The sphenoidal fontanel is located at he intersection of what two sutures?
    the coronal and squamosal
  18. Which fonanel is located at the intersection of the squamosal and lambdoidal sutures?
    the mastoidal fonanel
  19. The first set of vertebrae, which make up the neck are
    the cervical vertebrae
  20. How many cervical vertebrae are there?
    • 7
    • named C1 through C7
  21. The C1 vertebra, which supports the skull is called the __________
  22. The C2 vertebra, which rotates the skull is called the _______
  23. The 2nd set of vertebrae, which make up the the greater cuvature of the vertebral colum are the
    thorasic vertebrae
  24. How many torasic vertebrae are there?
    • 12
    • 1 per pair of ribs
    • named T1 through T12
  25. The set of vertebrae that make up the small curvature of the back are
    the lumbar vertebrae
  26. There are how many lumbar vertebrae?
    • 5
    • named L1 through L5
  27. The 5 vertebrae, which are fused together to form the sacrum are the
    sacral vertebae
  28. The coccygeal vertebrae are
    4 fused vertebrae, which make up the coccyx (tailbone)
  29. The rib cage is made up of
    12 pairs of ribs & the sternum (breast bone)
  30. The "true ribs" are
    • the first seven pair of ribs
    • they have direct sternal attachement
  31. False ribs are
    • the 2nd set of ribs
    • there are 3 pair
    • they have indirect sternal attachement
  32. The indirect sternal attachement of the false ribs is provided via
    costal cartalige
  33. he lowest two air of ribs ae called
    • the floating ribs
    • they have no sternal attachement
  34. The muscle between the ribs is called the
    intercostal muscle
  35. The body of the sternum is called
    the gladiolus
  36. The head of the sternum is called the
  37. The bottom point of the sternum is called the
    xiphoid process
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flashcards lecture test 1.txt
Lecture test #1