exam 2 parasitology terms
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what is flame cell and example of organism
specialized cell at the end of the tubule that is a part of the osmoregulatory system
fasciolopsis buski
bothria type scolex and example organism
cestodas that contain 2 lateral suckers
diphyllobothrium latum
hydatid cyst and example organism
composed of numerous scolices that form secondary cysts. Contain hydatid fluid
echinococcus granulosus
seminal receptacle an example organism
female organelle found in trematodes
fasciola hepatices
hexacanth (oncodsphere) and example organism
egg of tapeworm that's composed of 6 hooks
taenia solium
pleurocercoid and example organism
a type of cestoda
solid larvae found in fish
diphyllobothrium latum
procercoid and example organism
a type of cestode solid larvae inside the copepod-cyclops
diphyllobrothium latum
coracidium and example organism
a free living cestode larvae found in water
diphryllobrothium latum
mehlis gland and example organism
gland that surrounds the ootype
clonorchis sinensis
gynecophoric canal and example organism
ventral fold that holds the female schistosoma
schistosoma mansoni
cysticercus larva and example organism
cestode bladder type larva from
taenia saginata
schuffner's dots and example organism
granules that form in the ring stage of certain malaria
plasmodium ovalae
Rostellum and example organism
type of scolex with 4 suckers and 2 hooks
taenia solium
seminal receptacle and example organism
female organelle
fasciola hepatica
cysticercoid larva and example organism
a type of cestode bladder larvae
taenia solium
vitellaria and example organism
gland that secrete yolk for nutrition
fasciola hepatica
slime ball and example organism
200-300 cercariae attached together that is eaten by an ant
dicrocoelium dermatriticum
maurer's dots
granules formed during the ring stage of some malariae
plasmodium falciparum
merogony and example organism
schizont stage were the RBC ruptures and releases merozoites
plasmodium malariae
ootype and example organism
surrounded by mehlis gland
schistosoma mansoni
schizogany and example organism
asexual reproduction of nucleus dividing by multiple fission and producing schizonts
plasmodium vivax
nephridiopore and example organism
nephridial urinary system of platyhelminths which is used for excretion of urine
metagonimus yokogawi
motorium and example organism
the CNS of certain tapeworms
taenia saginata
opperculated egg and example
when a platyhelminthe egg has a lid
diphyllobrothium latum
what is miracelium
a stage of flukes that have cilia
what are the (5) life stages of platyhelminthes
Card Set
exam 2 parasitology terms
terms need to know about cestodas, tremotodas,
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