connective tissue

  1. characteristics of collagen fibers
    • over 29 types, mostly fibrillar, type I is most prominent (over 20% body protein)
    • tough, inelastic, tougher than steel
  2. connective tissue function
    provides structural support (connects bone to bone-ligaments, connects mm to bone-tendons, connects muscle to muscle-aponeuroses, underlies epithelium)

    established immunological barrier

    provides energy storage and water storage
  3. collage type I
    most abundant in body

    tendons, skin, artery walls, muscular fascia, fibrocartilage, bones, teeth

    *osteogenesis imperfecta, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  4. collagen II
    found in hyaline cartilage, vitreous humor, 50% of all cartilage protein

    *collagenopathy types II and XI
  5. type III collagen
    reticular fubers

    found in artey walls, skin, intestines and uterus

    *ehlers-danlos syndrome
  6. collagen type IV
    • basal lamina of all epithelia, eye lens
    • globular protein, NOT a fiber!

    *Alport syndrome
  7. type VII collagen
    anchoring fibrils in epidermal junctions

    *epidermolysis bullosa
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connective tissue
09.13.10.connective tissue