a is wrong bc deformity is caused by central slip rupture leading to PIP flexion and DIP extension no MCP problemb is wrong bc the treatemnt is PIP arthrodesis
c is wrong bc conservative treatment when correctible consists of extension splinting x 6 weeks. if that fails then the lateral bands are relocated over the PIP and sutured to each other
d is wrong bc the dorsal tenotomy is done at the distal aspect of the middle phalanx just proximal to the DIP
All are options to treat bony mallet finger, except?
Need to splint in extension
What is true regarding non-displaced scaphoid fractures?
Surgery decreases time to union
Surgery leads to faster return to work
Thumb spica: no evidence
Patient has a mass in the supinator muscle, what do you expect clinically?
EPL is affected
Lateral forearm is lateral antebrachial cutaneous (musculocutaneous nerve)
Anconeous is innervated by radial nerve proper
Wrist will extend with radial deviation (since ECU is out)
All are affected in lesser arc perilunate dislocation, except?
Sequence of failure
DORSAL radiocarpal
Lunate rotates and dislocates
A patient sustains a PIP dorsal fracture-dislocation with 50% of the middle phalanx volar articular surface involved. What is the best treatment?
>50% is unstable > need surgery
Can do hamate autograft, not arthroplasty
Patient unable to extend IP joint 2 months after undisplaced distal radius fracture, plan?
EPL rupture
Need EIP to EPL transfer
All are true regarding Madelung’s deformity EXCEPT?
problem in physis is volar and ulnar
What is true about syndactyly ?
Complete: means to the tip of fingers
Complex: Associated with bony fusion
Synonichia: fingers share a common nail
What is true about flexor tendon repair?
Repairs to one strand of FDS leads to better gliding
More strands stronger repair
What is true about Kienbock’s disease?
Radial shortening is indicated if there is ulnar negative variance
All of the following are true regarding congenital trigger thumb, EXCEPT?
Bilateral 25%
FPL tendon thickkenned and can have a nota node
What is the best indication to re-implant?
Patient with FDP tendon avulsion of the index finger. What is the proper direction of the suture anchor placed on the distal phalanx?
Increases pullout resistance
What is the most common complication after Carpal tunnel release?
Person with intrinsic wasting but no sensory deficits. Where is the compression happening?
Since no sensory deficits it most be zone 2 injury which is more radial and distal
Proximal to pisiform is zone 1: combined deficits
Cubital tunnel: is combined deficits including dorsum of hand
What gets between the UCL and its native site in a gamekeeper thumb? (repeat)
MP joint contracture responded better to needle fasciotomy
What is most important for good outcomes in dorsal PIP fracture-dislocation? (repeat)
What is true regarding paediatric scaphoid fractures? REPEAT
What is the typical finding in a lunotriquetral ligament tear? REPEAT
scapholunate angle is <30 degrees
What is true regarding non-displaced scaphoid fractures? REPEAT
Which is true regarding trigger finger?
A patient sustains a PIP dorsal fracture-dislocation with 50% of the middle phalanx volar articular surface involved. What is the best treatment?
Bc it's >50%
You can also do hamate autograft, not arthroplasty
A 47yo female with longstanding rheumatoid arthritis presents to your clinic with an inability to extend her 4th and 5th On exam you note an ulnar prominence. She has pain with supination/pronation but not with flexion/extension. What is the best treatment?
Sauve kapandji not good bc keeping diseased joint in rheumatoid in place
This is classic vaughan jackson syndrome: rupture of EDL from ulnar to radial
Casued by DRUj intability and dorsal ulnar subluxation > attritional rupture of tendons
EDM is first affected
Treatment is EIP to EDC and distal ulna resection
A patient sustains multiple lacerations on the ulnar side of their hand and wrist. They have loss of dorsal sensation over ulnar aspect of hand, but preserved palmar sensation and preserved motor function. Where is the injury?
Injury of dorsal cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve which arises before guyons canal
Zone 1: both motor and sensory volar
ZOne 2: Motor only
ZOne 3: Volar sensory only
A patient presents with sensation loss over distal ulnar forearm and hand (5th digit) but normal motor function. What is the cause?
C6-C7: sensory dorsal forearm and middle finger (c8) from the MABCN
c): both motor and sensory changes
d): changes only at the level of the hand, not forearm
Regarding a 5th metacarpal shaft fracture, which of the following is the best indication for operative intervention?
in 5th MC
Shortening usually 2-5 mm
Angulation 40 degrees
What is the primary functional loss with a low median nerve palsy?
low median nerve palsy: loss of opposition (APB)
high median nerve palsy: loss of opposition and thumb.index/middle finger flexion
Regarding a volar PIP dislocation, what is the block to reduction?
In regards to distal ulna, what is true about the TFCC?
Forced increased if ulnar positive
Usually 20 % with neutral ulna
In a Bennett’s fracture, the intraarticular fragment is held in position by which of the following ligaments?
How to reduce bennet: Traction, abduction and pronation
Volar lip is attached to anterior oblique ligament
All of the following are physical exam signs of ulnar nerve compression EXCEPT?
Wartenburg: Spontaneous abduction of little finger with finger extension
Froment: thumb IP Flexs during pinch
Finklestein: for dequervain's >>pain with rapid abduction of wrist
All of the following are true regarding DISI deformity EXCEPT?
All of the following are true regarding congenital trigger thumb, EXCEPT?
FPL tendon sheath usually not normal: notta node
Bilateral 25%
All of the following are principles of tendon transfer EXCEPT?
Need supple joint
Expandable donor
Straight line of pull
Synergistic muscles
Appropriate excursion
Supple joint
Strength 4+: will lose one
One tendon performs one function
All are true regarding tight hand extrinsics EXCEPT?
CLaw hand is MCP hyperextension and IP flexion
In extensor tendon dislocation injury, what is disrupted?
All of the following ligaments are disrupted in lunate dislocation, except?
Sequence of failure
DORSAL radiocarpal
Lunate rotates and dislocates
All of the following are signs of scapholunate dissociation except?
SL angle increases >70
<30 is VISI
All of the following are potential sources of compression of ulnar N. except?
sites of compression
Arcade of struthers: medial intermuscular septum
Cubital tunnel: osborne ligament
Arcuate ligament: btw the 2 heads of FCU
Guyon canal: 3 zones
Medial head of triceps
Anconeus epithrochlearis
Distal ulna resection Darrach procedure specifically. All true except?
Darrach is better for patients with RA
Question about trigger finger what do you release?
22 yo female worker 5 months post carpal tunnel release, comes back c/o symptoms. Has 5 mm 2-point in fingers, normal thenar muscle function, negative Phalens, but positive Tinels over radial aspect of scar at distal wrist crease. What is the reason for this?
Most common nerve injured in FCR approach
FDP injury, retracted to palm, all true except?
Jersey finger
Most commonly distal to PIP
If retracted needs semiurgent direct repair
Retarction >1 cm leads to DIP flexion contracture
Which of the following is most predictive of DRUJ issues post distal radius fracture?
Not a predictor of loss of reduction in DR#?
Which tendon is affected in Mannerfelt lesion?
FPL rupture in rheumatoid from scaphoid spur
Treat with BR to FPl transfer
Click in wrist in 20 yo female, AP xray shows triangular, volar flexed lunate. You suspect lunotriquetral tear. What feature would go with that?
LT injury = VISI
SL angle < 30
ring sign is present: scaphoid flexed and shortened
Which of the following is not involved in Dupuytren’s?
A patient presents with ulnar nerve compression at the elbow. What is true about simple ulnar nerve decompression versus subcutaneous transposition?
Which of the following is true regarding the wrist?
Extension leads to increased lunate pressures
Preiser disease is AVN scaphoid
Which of the following is an indication for proximal row carpectomy?
a) Pancarpal arthritis
b) Kienbock’s disease
If arthritis in capitate then not a good idea to do PRC
Middle aged worker with several month history of elbow/forearm pain, weak finger extension, wrist radial deviation. Where should you release?
Patient has PIN compression from arcade of frohse
Regarding Duputryen’s contracture, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
MCP more than DIP
All of the following are true with DRUJ stability EXCEPT:
ECU is not a primary stabilizer of druj
Primary stabilizers: Volar and dorsal radioulnar ligaments, TFCC
All of the following are true with Radius and Ulna EXCEPT:
The following are true regarding the DRUJ Except:
IT IS NOT the ulno carpal ligament but rather the volar and dorsal radioulnar ligaments that provide stability at the level of the DRUJ
All of the following are true with SLAC EXCEPT:
4CF trasnfer load to lunate not ulna
All of the following are true regarding the treatment of Swan Neck deformity EXCEPT:
crossed intrinsic tendon transfer is for RA hand
All of the following are associated with Dupuytrenes, EXCEPT;
D = peyronnies disease
Weakness of thumb and finger flexors, forearm pronators, no numbness
BC purely motor
43 y old man with pain in the right forearm and weakness of forearm pronation. Associated with FPL weakness and weakness of the FDP to the index and middle finger. What is the likely pathology?
AIN innervates 4 muscles: FDP, FPL, PQ
What is the most important structure for PIP stability
What is true regarding metacarpal shaft fracture:
Transverse fractures usually apex dorsal
Regarding PIN what is true?
compression at pronator edge is median nerve
Weak with power grup is Ulnar nerve
Which of the following is the most useful test in the diagnosis of Carpal tunnel syndrome?
from a study
Why is the risk of AVN low in lunate dislocation?
Patient has numbness on small and ring finger, and decreased strength in FDP of those two fingers (Dalhousie has dec strength in D2 and D3). Where is the nerve injury:
Ulnar both motor and sensory
30yo male with scaphoid nonunion, 3mm displaced (waist?). SL angle 70 degrees. What to do?
All are associated with thumb hypoplasia except
What is the earliest sign seen in carpal tunnel syndrome (most sensitive test for early CT)?
Young female with a history of fingertips turning blue and white. She will also have all these other features except:
What is true when comparing ulnar nerve release and transposition versus simple decompression for cubital tunnel syndrome?
from studies
Causes of swan neck in a rheumatoid arthritis patient include all EXCEPT:
Its FDS laceration not FDP
What accentuates the ulnar deviation of the digits in Rheumatoid Arthiritis (UBC has has “following cause ulnar deviation of fingers in RA EXCEPT)
in RA hand drifts RADIAL which is why the digits shift ulnar
Regarding wrist ligaments (Dalhousie has “intercarpal ligaments”), all are true EXCEPT:
it is seen during arthroscopy
Distal radius malunion healed with shortening. What is the most common complaint?
Traumatic extensor tendon dislocation at the level of the MCP joint, what structure is involved (ruptured)
All these are true for Darrach procedure (distal ulna resection) EXCEPT:
a) Traumatic DRUJ OA does better than rheumatoid
b) Ulnar abutment against the radius is a complication and can be prevented with tendon sling
c) Ulno-carpal impaction is a complication
d) Get dorsal subluxation of the distal ulnar stump
e) Ulnar shift of carpus (UBC has Ulnar translocation)
a and c both true
RA does better than OA with Darrach
Regarding tendonopathy in the hand, which is true:
Trigger finger more common in females
Trigger finger not casued by RA
About hand anatomy and the palmar arches, which is TRUE
Deep arch: Radial
Superficial arch: ulnar
Regarding the blood supply to the palm, which is true?
Radial: deep arch
Ulnar: superficial arch
Radial joins deep arch btw 1st and 2nd MC
In Dupuytrens, what pulls the NV bundle medial?
Nattatory cord: finger abduction
Pretendinous cord: most commonly involved
Lateral/central cord: PIP flexion contracture
Scaphoid xray with non union of the proximal pole that is 5 months out in young guy, what to do? Ottawa: 5 months post- FOOSH injury. Has wrist pain. Xrays show Proximal scaphoid fracture with non-union:
Proximal pole: dorsal
Distal pole: volar
11 yo girl with scaphoid #, not healed after a few months, next step:
Question regarding the carpal ligaments. All of the following are true EXCEPT:
Strongest part of SL ligament is dorsal
Strongest part of LT ligament is volar
Old dude with weak thumb ADDuction, (Ottawa: atrophy of m/m), tinels at elbow over ulnar nerve, tx? Calgary: Hand wasting and weakness of adduction of thumb w/ +ve tinels at elbow and +ve EMG at elbow. What to do?
From study
Which of the following do not get ulnar impaction?
Pronation increase relative ulnar variance
Golfer with pain on ulnar side of hand and numbness to small and ring. What is the most predictable test to get the diagnosis
Some stems about hand intrinsic contracture all true EXCEPT:
All of the following can lead to Swan neck in RA except:
Swan neck deformity is PIP hyperextension and DIP flexion
Lateral Xray of perilunate # DL and scaphoid # (no AP given), what do you do?
Volar carpal dislocation xray with volar DR chip # and thumb DL, what do to? Ottawa: volar carpal dislocation (SL intact) with small distal radial rim fracture + 1st CMC dislocation
PIN (Radial Tunnel Syndrome), most common site of compression?
This is arcade of frohse
Metacarpal fractures, what is true?
Scaphoid xray with non union of the proximal pole that is 5 months out in young guy, what to do? Ottawa: 5 months post- FOOSH injury. Has wrist pain. Xrays show Proximal scaphoid fracture with non-union:
a) Volar approach ORIF and bone graft
d) Cast for 6 weeks in thumb spica
c) Dorsal approach and ORIF
d) U/S
LT tear, how to tell on xray? Young woman falls on wrist, painful. Xray shows triangular, volar flexed lunate. What other abnormalities would support lunatotriquetral dissociation?
LT gap normal
SL angle < 30 for VISI
MetaCarpal #, all are reasons to operate for sure EXCEPT?
Pulley anatomy, what is false?
The C pulleys straddle A3
A1 pulley is released for trigger finger
Most common reason for compression of ulnar nerve in Guyon’s canal?
Quadrigia, you do what?
this is caused by tight FDL post repair...usually a problem if retraction > 1cm...difficulty flexing adjacent fingerts since they share common tendon
In ulnar nerve anterior transposition, what is the most common cause of failure?
What is a definitive indication to fix MC (metacarpal) fractures, EXCEPT
With regards to the 3rd lumbrical
Action: flex MCP and extend PIP
2 radial lumbricals: AIN
2 uonar lumbricals: ulnar nerve
A 62 year old lady with RA is losing function of her thumb. She has IP hyperextension with 50 degrees extension that is passively correctable. Her MCP has an extensor lag and normal flexion. Her EPL is intact. What would you do to improve function.
EIP to EPB is treatment for EPB rupture, common in RA
67 year old farmer with longstanding RA has few weeks history of inability to extend fingers, Now she also has pain at elbow. Treatment at this time should be
This sounds like vaughan -jackson syndrome : requires tendon transfer and ulnar head resection
What is the blood supply of the scaphoid?
Which test will not help diagnose Pronator syndrome?
all others are ways to test pronator syndrome
If pronator teres problem: pain with resisted pronation with elbow in extension
If problem is lacertus fibrosus: pain with supination and elbow felxion
If FDS problem: pain with resisted long finger PIP flexion
What is the most common cause of a Swan Neck deformity with a negative Bunnell test
Bunnell: is positive meand it is an intrinsic plus hanf
All are true regarding the wrist ligaments EXCEPT
a) The dorsal intercarpal ligament is associated with the scaphoid, triquetrum and trapezium
b) The volar LT ligament is the most important
c) The dorsal SL ligament is the most important
d) You can visualize the radioscaphoid ligament during wrist arthroscopy
All are true
Each of these are special tests for pronator syndrome (median nerve) EXCEPT?
If pronator teres problem: pain with resisted pronation with elbow in extension
If problem is lacertus fibrosus: pain with supination and elbow felxion
If FDS problem: pain with resisted long finger PIP flexion
Proximal row carpectomy is appropriate for which of the following
Late stage kienbock is lunate AVN
A patient suffers a laceration to small finger, volar surface 2 mm proximal to DIP. Examination reveals the patient can not actively flex small DIP and if the ring and middle fingers held in extension, can’t flex PIP of small. If the ring is allowed to flex, he is still unable to flex the PIP of the short. What is going on?
there is congenital absence of FDS to 5th finger
Possible sites of radial nerve impingement, except?
fibrous bands anterior to radial head
Leash of henry
Arcade of frohse
Where is “No man’s land” in the hand?
Zone 2: poor outcome..need early ROM PT with something like duran protocol
MCP replacement in RA
extensors always sublux ulnarly since the wrists deviates radial
Treatment of swan neck, all except
Crossed intrinsic transfer is for Vaughan- jackson
Extrinsic tightness, all except
Extrinsics = extensors are tight
Interpositional hemiarthroplasty (Bower’s) is appropriate for all except
Contraindication to bower is TFCC tear that cannot be repaired
Possible sites of radial nerve impingement, except?
Fibrous bands anterior to RC joint
Leash of hnery
Arcade of frohse: supinator
SUpinator distal edge
What is not correct about carpal synostosis
Windswept hand – all except are true
Windswept hand: congenital ulnar drift of digits
Assoicated with arthrogyposis
Thumb in palm: Adduction and flexed
Best ABX for suppurative flexor tenosynovitis
Distal radius fracture with unstable DRUJ. How do you address the DRUJ instability
If stable cast in supination
If reducible but unstable pin it
If irreducible do open reduction and fixation
Anatomy of hand – what’s true
Dorsal interossei are bipennate not palmar
Baseball player with 25% articular involvement dorsal PIP fracture dislocation - Best predictor of outcome in PIP fracture
Low median nerve injury after palmar laceration
This is opponensplasty (take FDS 4 which is ulnar and wrap around FCU then to APB
Regarding anomalous innervation of the upper extremity
question on PIN nerve compression with RA and approach to decompress
a) posterior
b) anterolateral
Becasue in RA often need synovectomy
With regard to total wrist arthroplasty
Line up to 3rd MC
All of the following cause ulnar nerve compression EXCEPT
Ligament of struthers compresess median
Arcade of struthers compressess ulnar
Most common injury of wrist arthroscopy
LT tear with dorso-ulnar pain
LT ligament torn in VISI
Volar LT is stronger
Dorsal SL is stronger
Distal radius + styloid fracture in 18 year old baseball player. What is the treatment?
SLAC wrist (ALL true EXCEPT)
4CF transfer forces to Lunate and radius
Patient with Dequervain’s undergoes release of 1st This releases what muslces
Trigger finger, release what pulley
Presents with MCP and PIP flexion contracture of insidious onset, also has adduction contracture. The question was: what structure is responsible for the adduction contracture?
Pretendinous is MCP contracture
Spiral: pushes NV bundle medial
Natatory: adduction
Mannerfelt Syndrome: which tendon is affected?
Casued by scaphoid synovitis or spur
Treatment: FDP to FPL
45 yo female production line worker 3 months history of pain in mid-forearm with palpation and resisted extension long finger as well as supination. Rx:
Which of the following is not correct regarding trigger finger in rheumatoid arthritis ?
Ulnar nerve site of compression (except)?
Static Scapholunate Dissociation (except)
Dynamic S-L or Partial Tear of SL Ligament
When should you perform an ORIF of a Scaphoid Non-union?
LEAST likely to receive innervation from AIN?
FDP 2nd and third
Picture of Wrist with Pancarpal Arthritis and SLAC Grade III. What should you do?
Triscaphe (STT Fusion) question – all TRUE, Except?
ROM 50-70%
30% non union
AIN palsy showing weakness in FDP of D2 & D3, and Weak FPL
12 yr-old girl with a dislocated thumb MCP joint. You are told that you can feel the metacarpal head through the palmar skin. The X-ray shows a dislocation with no obvious fracture. The sesamoids are not obvious but may be in the joint (Ottawa/MUN thought was in joint). What is the treatment?
PIP dislocation of finger, what makes it irreducible?
45 yr-old lady with a history of remote trauma to her wrist. No real pain, but comes complaining of swelling and deformity of her wrist. You are presented with an X-ray showing a fragmenting non-union of the distal radius. What should be your next investigation?
Charcot vs infection
45 year old patient with RA and has ulnar sided tendon ruptures (Vaughn Jackson) with unstable prominent ulna, no wrist problems but having pain with supination. What is the best treatment?
Ulnar head pathological so better to resect it
Kid with hypoplastic thumb type 4
If CMC unstable need pollicization
Child with macrodactyly of the index finger that is stiff PIP and DIP, the diagnosis was lipofibromatosis which was progressive and it mentioned that he was already bypassing the index finger to pinch with long-finger but was having problems due to the large finger, what is the best treatment?
best outcomes with ray resection
Upper extremity CP surgery. The following are indicators to proceed EXCEPT?
IQ needs to be >70
2 point discrimination needs to be 2-4 mm
In a Bennett’s fracture, the intraarticular fragment is held in position by which of the following ligaments?
Arthroscopic TFCC repair, poor outcome with?
Distal radius fracture treated by ORIF. After ORIF of DR #, DRUJ reducible but unstable and dislocates “ulnar dorsally” (exact wording!) in pronation. How to treat: