Drugs for Tuberculosis

  1. What are the first line active TB treatment drugs?
    • Rifampin
    • Isoniazid
    • Pyrazinamide
    • Ethambutol
  2. For the first 2 months of infections, which drugs should the patient be on for active TB treatment?
    • All 4: RIPE
    • Rifampin
    • Isoniazid
    • Pyranzinamide
    • Ethambutol
  3. After the first two months of therapy for active TB, what should the regimen be like for the next 5 or so months?
    On 2+ drugs of the 4: usually Rifampin and Isoniazid
  4. What is standard therapy for Latent TB treatment?
    9 months of daily INH
  5. True/False: chemo prophylaxis is in order for latent TB in order to prevent active infection
  6. What is direct observation of therapy?
    Providing anti TB drugs directly to the patient and watching as pt swallows the medications
  7. What is the purpose behind direct observation of therapy?
    Make sure pt is compliant so to avoid drug resistant TB from developing
  8. True/False: majority of TB in the US are drug resistant
    False; they are sensitive to first line tx: RIPE
  9. What is the mechanism of action for rifampin?
    Inhibit RNA polymerization
  10. What is the mechanism of action for isoniazid?
    Inhibits mycolic acid synthesis
  11. What is the mechanism of action for pyrazinamide?
    Unknown! Ha.
  12. What is the mechanism of action for ethambutol?
    Inhibits cell wall synthesis
  13. Which of the first line drug’s mechanism of action has to do with inhibiting cell wall synthesis?
    • Isoniazid (mycolic acid)
    • Ethambutol
  14. Which first line drug’s mechanism of action is to inhibit RNA synthesis?
  15. True/False: we do not really know the mechanism of action of pyrazinamide?
  16. What are the adverse effects for rifampin?
    • Hepatitis
    • GI upset
    • Orange colored body fluids
    • Significant drug interactions
  17. What are adverse effects for isoniazid?
    • Hepatitis
    • Peripheral neuropathy
  18. What are adverse effects for pyrazinamide?
    • Nausea
    • Hepatitis
    • Rash
    • Joint ache
    • Hyperuricemia
  19. What are adverse effects for ethambutol?
    • Optic neuritis with blurred vision
    • Red green color blindness
  20. Which of the first line drug has significant drug-drug interaction?
  21. Which of the first line drugs can cause drug-induced hepatitis?
    • INH (isoniazid)
    • Rifampin
    • Pyrazinamide
  22. Which of the first line drugs can cause neurotoxicity?
  23. How can neurotoxicity be prevented as a side effect of isoniazid?
    Taking Vitamin B6 at the same time
  24. What is pyridoxine?
    Vitamin B6
  25. Which of the rifamycin antimicrobial group does not have drug interactions?
  26. True/false: when rifampin is used as a single agent treatment, bacteria develop drug resistant
  27. True/flase: isoniazid can turn nbody fluids into orange
    False; it is rifampin
  28. Which drug is seen with “red man syndrome” of skin discoloration
Card Set
Drugs for Tuberculosis
Pulmonary Final- Pharmacology