
  1. What is the most powerful account in Linux?
    Root Account
  2. filesystem developed by IBM Corporation and is now being used by some Linux operating systems?
  3. What is monolithic kernel
    done that does everything a kernel is required to do in one big process
  4. open source applications that can be used as an email client
    Evolution, Thunderbird, Geary
  5. open source video editor
  6. port number for the LDAP protocol
  7. IEEE standards is based upon base-2 values
  8. command line tool used to show the total amount of free space available on the Linux hard disk
  9. early versions of the windows od used____ in which programs can voluntarily give up CPU time to other processes
    cooperative multitasking
  10. command line tool used to see USB devices attached to your Linux computer
  11. what is another term for Linux distribution
  12. hardware component that converts AC power to DC power for a PC
  13. the CentOs Linux Os has very short release cycles and does not support any form of long release cycles
  14. what key would you press on your keyboard to complete a command with minimal number of keystrokes in a Linux command terminal
  15. if you use the Linux GUI Windows X mode, you have no way of accessing any type of command line interface
  16. which command would you use to create a symbolic link to a file in Linux?
  17. which are the two most common types of disk interfaces used inside a PC?
  18. Linux command line help tools is more modern and supports hyperlinking
  19. considered to be pre-released versions of software applications known to contain bugs and issues
    Alpha,and Beta
  20. true or false: the Linux kernel is a break off of the Mac OS kernel
  21. what command line tool wold you use to partition a hard drive
  22. open source software includes various packages such as word processor, spreadsheet, presentations, graphics, and databases?
    Apache OpenOffice
  23. what does the rm command do in the Linux operating system?
    deletes a file or directory
  24. OpenOffice is to LibreOffice as Thunderbird is to...
  25. what is the programming language that most of the Linux kernel is written in
  26. how many primary partitions can the GUID partitioning method support
  27. which Linux distribution was the first to be released in 1993?
  28. what Linux terminal command gives a user similar access to root as the su command will, but works for just one command at a time
  29. what key would you press on the keyboard to retrieve the previous entry from your Linux command line history?
    Up arrow
  30. which symbol would indicate that they were running in root access
  31. what term would you find at the beginning of a Linux text-mode login prompt
  32. names for the Mac OS GUI interfaces
    Aqua, Cocoa
  33. what is the default filesystem for the Windows OS
  34. who is given credit for creating the Linux kernel in 1991?
    Linus Torvalds
  35. what is usually non existent to a linux operating system
  36. a linux terminal window is best described at a
    command line interface
  37. command line tool used to partition a hard disk
  38. default filing system for the wondows os
  39. play in words and is the practice of offering people the right to freely copy and modify versions of a work with the stipulation that the same rights be preserved in works down the line
  40. what is the partition called that is contained in an extended partition
  41. the 2 most common types of disk interfaces used inside a PC
  42. create or update a file from the linux command like what tool do you use
  43. what command line tool would you use to assign a static ip address in a linux system
  44. another term for linux distribution
  45. what can you use to list the capabilities and details of your linux computers CPU
    uname -a, lscpu, cat /proc/cpuinfo
  46. what command line do you use if you are having trouble finding anything inside the linux command line
  47. firefox is to chrome as rpm is to____-
  48. what is the purpose of linux distributions using a longer release cycle
    provide a more stable environment for users
  49. all these are considered linux gui desktop environments
    GNOME, KDE, XFce
  50. what does pwd mean
    present working directory
  51. find usb
  52. core part of any linux operating system
  53. program phase that is free of charge for users to find and receive feedback on any bugs and issues
  54. tyle of software that a user is given a trial period before they must begin paying to use the software
  55. who got credit for founding the GNU project in september 1983
    richard stallman
  56. view commands in the terminals history
  57. linux web server programs
    Apache HTTPD, Nginx
  58. list of all directories on your linux computer
    echo $PATH
  59. allow you to mount a hard disk
  60. mac os gui interfaces
    aqua, cocoa
  61. default shell found in most linux distributions
  62. describes a system uses 32-bit processing
  63. type of programming language is converted into machine code at the time they are run
  64. "central nervous system" of a computer
  65. what type of document is the .odt file in linux
    OpenDocument text
  66. command line tool that provides the most information about your linux pc motherboard features
  67. how many pins on one end of a normal HDMI cable
  68. type of programming language that is converted into machine code at the time they are run
  69. what symbol do you place after a command to run the program in the background
  70. what linux directory holds the system comfiguration files
  71. what command can you type to create the desired directory and its parent directory if it doe not exist
    mkdir -p~/
  72. what key do you press if you want to do a command completion of a longer filename or command
  73. created to give a standardization to the linux filesystem structure
  74. which of the following options to chown changes the ownership off all the files and directories of and specified directory, rather than just the files or directories that are explicitly passed to it
  75. what Bash scripting keyword terminates a case statement
  76. what option can you pass to groupadd to have it create a group with a GID number of 1027 -
    -gid 1027
  77. default linux desktop environment for the Ubuntu distribution of Linux
  78. which options to find can you use to locate files owned by a particular user?
    -uid  -user
  79. which of the following CPU types does linux run
    x86, SPARC
  80. what type on information can netstat provide
    network interface information, routing table data, and a list of open ports
  81. writing script that should accept two arguments, a username and a yearm specified in that order on the command line. what variable would you use to access the year?
  82. command provides a low-level way to install software on a Debian system
  83. organization bases its philosophy on software licensing on a strong moral imperative that users should be able to modify their software
  84. to allow the man pages to be viewed a page at a time, which pager program is used for displaying man pages
  85. productivity software package that used to be owned by oracle
    apache openoffice
  86. basic command will create a symbolic link (shortcut) to a file
  87. linux software that can be used to create 3D images (both stills and animations)
  88. programs produces a summary of the memory status of your computer, including the total memory available, the amount used, and the amount thats unused
  89. how many man pages are the total
  90. two types of outputs that can result using basic redirection operations in Linux
    standard output, standard error
  91. control how the computer operates
    system files
  92. redirection operation appends a programs standard output to an existing file, without overwriting that files original contents
  93. when the standard output from one program is redirected as the standard input to a second program
  94. what command would you type if you wanted to display your username from a linux command line terminal shell
  95. command line tool best to use when compressing more that two files inside a linux system
  96. once a shell script has been written, it must be made____  in order to run it
  97. which of the following redirection operations appends a programs standard output to an existing file without overwriting the files original contents
  98. tar command to extract files from an archive
  99. command to redirect both standard output and standard error from ____ program to the file___
  100. need  to run a command in linux terminal and have root access to do so
  101. after using a text editor to create a shell script, what steps should you take before trying to use the script by typing its name
    set one or more exacutable bits using chmod
  102. linux administrator and wanted to see who is currently logged on and what they are running what command do you use
  103. which character that represents that start of a line in a regular expression
  104. two major linux package management systems
  105. which of the following extentions would you use at the end of the script name
  106. what is the system account with the UID of 0
    the system administrator account (root)
  107. optional parameter with linux grep command in order to do a recursive search
  108. need to include in a case statment to denote the end of the case statement
  109. supporting files for an application that are installed on a linux computer
  110. to have script sent to an email automatically which command would you use
  111. linux system administrator and wanted to locate programs that are consuming large amounts of CPU or memory
  112. file hierachy scructure created to give a standardization to the linux filesystem
  113. rename a file
  114. two keyboard characters can denote an account with no passwords
    * , !
  115. what is performed when a file is uncompressed
  116. directory stores package database information
  117. linux command used to extract a compressed file
  118. best command line tool to compress 2 or more files
  119. filename extension foe bzip2
  120. keystroke to undo a change in the Vi text editor
  121. the 2 types of FHS files found in the filesystem hierarchy
    standard, variable
  122. you can create a symbolic link from one low-level filesystem to another
  123. you can easily damage your linux installation by mistyping an rm command with you log in to your regular account
  124. the find command enables you to locate files based on their size
  125. to uninstall an application using the apt-get command you would type a apt-get____
  126. two types of FHS files found in the filesystem hierachy standard
    standard, variable
  127. two forms of regular expression in linux
    basic, extneded
  128. wildcard character can be matched for any one symbol in a filename
  129. linux directory that holds the system configuration files
  130. see a list of all process ID's on your computer
  131. command used to display prompts for a user in a shell script
  132. what happens when you type:: cat ect/passwd
    a list of the users on that linux computer
  133. command line tool used to extract a compressed file
  134. the gzip, bzip2, and xz programs all perform _____ compression, in which the decompressed data exactly matches the original pre-compressed data
  135. compression file format can be used across multiple operating systems
    zip file
  136. what action does the find command perform
    searching a file in a directory
  137. single keyboard character represents any single character except in a new line in a regualr expression in linux
  138. what action is performed when a file is uncompressed
  139. what command do you use of you want to display your username from a linux command line terminal shell
  140. where would you find the new mount point for removable media
  141. how many unique characters does ASCII support
  142. syntax for extracting using the tar command
    tar -zvf {.tgz.file}
  143. Debian based Linux distributions
    Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint
  144. two major linux package
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