Anatomy Ch 5

  1. antibiotics
    Chemicals that are used to treat bacterial infections. A broad-spectrum abtibiotic destroys many different types of bacteria, whereas a narrow-spectrum antibiotic destroys only a few types.
  2. Communicable Disease
    Any disease that can be spread from one host to another.
  3. Normal Flora
    A group of microorganisms that colonize a host without causing disease. Normal flora may become pathogenic when it is transfered to another area of the body.
  4. Contagious Disease
    A communicable disease that is easily spread from one person to another.
  5. Nosocomial Infection
    A hospital-acquired infection.
  6. Reservoir of Infection
    A continual source of infection.
  7. Resistance
    The ability to ward off disease.
  8. Vector
    A carrier of pathogens from host to host.
  9. Pathogen
    Disease producing mircoorganisms
  10. Localized Infection
    An infection restricted to a small area.
  11. Systemic Infection
    A widespread infection.
  12. Coccus
    Round cells arranged in patterns.
  13. Strptococcus
    Arranged in chains
  14. Staphylococcus
    Arranged in clusters (grapes).
  15. Bacillus
    Long and slender rods
  16. Bacteria
    Single celled organisms found everywhere.
  17. Spirillum
    Looks like a corkscrew.
  18. Spirochetes
    Tightly coiled Spirilla.
  19. Parasites
    Require a living host.
  20. Virus
    From the latin meaning poison, the smallest of infectious agents.
  21. Fungi
    A plantlike organism which grows best in dark, damp places.
  22. Mycotic Infection
    Pathogenic fungi.
  23. Protozoa
    Single-cell, animal like mircrobes.
  24. Ectoparasites
    Live on the surface of the body.
  25. Portals of Entry
    Places where pathogens enter the body.
  26. Portals of Exit
    Places where pathogens exit the body.
  27. Zoonosis
    An animal disease that is transmittable to humans.
  28. MRSA
    Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus-flesh eating disease.
  29. Superinfection
    Organisms that do not cause diesease in their normal habitat but become pathogenic when allowed to overpopulate the area.
  30. Worms
    Pathogens that are worms.
  31. Helminths
    Parasitic worms.
  32. Rickettsia
    Small bacteria that reproduce within cells.
  33. Chlamydia
    Small bacteria that reproduce within cells.
  34. Chlamydia Trachomatis
    Causes trachoma, the leading cause of blindness in the world. (small bacteria).
  35. Herpes-Varicella Zoster
    Chicken pox which can turn into shingles later in life. (virus).
  36. Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)
    Causes genital warts. STD (virus).
  37. Influenza Virus
    Flu which is caused by different strains of the virus.
  38. Rhabdovirus
    Rabies which is a fatal disease characterized by headache, fever, seizures, and spasm of the throat muscles while swallowing. Spread from animals (virus).
  39. Tinea
    Tinea causes ringworm or athletes foot. (fungi).
  40. Entamoeba histolytica
    Causes amebic dysentery. (protozoa)
  41. Ascaris
    12 in worms that live in the small intestine.
  42. Taenia
    Tapeworms, acquired by eating poorly cooked foods.
  43. Staphylococcus Aureus
    causes skin infections such as boils and impetigo, pneumonia, kidney and bladder infections, ect. (bacteria)
  44. Streptococcus pyogenes
    Causes strep throat, ear infections, scarlet fever, pneumonia, ect. (bacteria).
  45. Bordettella Pertussis
    Whooping cough (bacteria).
  46. Clostridum Tetani
    causes tetnus or lockjaw (bacteria).
  47. Escherichia Coli
    Part of the normal flora of the the intestines. Causes food poisoning (bacteria).
  48. Hemophilus Aegyptius
    Causes conjunctivitis (bacteria).
  49. Helicobacter Pylori
    Causes stomach ulsers (bacteria).
  50. Leginella Pnuemophila
    Causes legionnaries' disease (bacteria) from air conditioning.
  51. Samonella enteritidis
    food poisoning (bacteria).
  52. Borrelia burgdoferi
    Lyme disease (bacteria).
  53. Treonma palidium
    Syphillis (bacteria).
  54. Hepatitis B
    STD liver disease (virus).
  55. Hepatitis C
    Contaminated blood liver disease (virus).
  56. Rickettsia reckettsii
    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever-ticks (small bacteria).
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Anatomy Ch 5