Lab 4 Clinical Considerations

  1. Spina bifida
    a portion of the spinal cord develops abnormally. The adjacent vertebral arches do not form since the vertebral arch is incomplete, the meninges bulge out
  2. Osteoporosis
    reduction in bone mass and strength sufficient to compromise normal bone function
  3. Osteopenia
    inadequate bone production as adult, leading to decrease in mass and a decrease in bone function and strength
  4. Abnormal Curvatures of the spine
    • Scoliosis - side ways
    • Kyphosis - extreme arch in thoracic curvature
    • Lordosis - extreme arch in lumbar curvature
  5. Slipped disc vs. herniated disc
    • Vertebral disk partially forced into vertebral canal
    • - disk ruptures and enters canal
  6. Laminectomy
    Removal of spinous processes to gain access to and treat herniated disc
  7. osteomylitis
    painful and destructive bone infection caused by bacteria
  8. paget's disease
    localized osteoclast activity increased and osteoblasts produce abnormal matrix proteins leading to gradual deformation of the skeleton
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Lab 4 Clinical Considerations