O -Posterior abdominal wall (iliac fossa)
I -Lesser trochanter of femur
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3]
F -Flexes the thigh at the hip joint
Psoas Major
O -Posterior abdominal wall (lumbar transverse processes, intervertebral discs, and adjacent bodies from TXII to LV and tendinous arches between these points)
I -Lesser trochanter of femur
In -Anterior rami [L1, L2, L3]
F -Flexes the thigh at the hip joint
Vastus Intermedius
O -Femur-upper two-thirds of anterior and lateral surfaces
I -Quadriceps femoris tendon and lateral margin of patella
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3, L4]
F -Extends the leg at the knee joint
Vastus Medialis
O -Femur-medial part of intertrochanteric line, pectineal line, medial lip of the linea aspera, medial supracondylar line
I -Quadriceps femoris tendon and medial border of patella
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3, L4]
F -Extends the leg at the knee joint
Vastus Lateralis
O -Femur-lateral part of intertrochanteric line, margin of greater trochanter, lateral margin of gluteal tuberosity, lateral lip of the linea aspera
I -Quadriceps femoris tendon
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3, L4]
F -Extends the leg at the knee joint
O -Anterior superior iliac spine
I -Medial surface of tibia just inferomedial to tibial tuberosity
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3]
F -Flexes the thigh at the hip joint and flexes the leg at the knee joint
Rectus Femoris
O -Straight head originates from the anterior inferior iliac spine; reflected head originates from the ilium just superior to the acetabulum
I -Quadriceps femoris tendon
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3, L4]
F -Flexes the thigh at the hip joint and extends the leg at the knee joint
O -A line on the external surfaces of the body of the pubis, the inferior pubic ramus, and the ramus of the ischium
I -Medial surface of proximal shaft of tibia
In -Obturator nerve [L2, L3]
F -Adducts thigh at hip joint and flexes leg at knee joint
Adductor Brevis
O -External surface of body of pubis and inferior pubic ramus
I -Posterior surface of proximal femur and upper one-third of linea aspera
In -Obturator nerve [L2, L3]
F -Adducts thigh at hip joint
O -Pectineal line (pecten pubis) and adjacent bone of pelvis
I -Oblique line extending from base of lesser trochanter to linea aspera on posterior surface of proximal femur
In -Femoral nerve [L2, L3]
F -Adducts and flexes thigh at hip joint
Adductor Longus
O -External surface of body of pubis (triangular depression inferior to pubic crest and lateral to pubic symphysis)
I -Linea aspera on middle one-third of shaft of femur
In -Obturator nerve (anterior division) [L2, L3, L4]
F -Adducts and medially rotates thigh at hip joint
Adductor Magnus
- O -Adductor part-ischiopubic ramus;
- -Hamstring part-ischial tuberosity
- I -Posterior surface of proximal femur, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line;
- -Adductor tubercle and supracondylar line
- In -Obturator nerve [L2, L3, L4];
- -Sciatic nerve (tibial division) [L2, L3, L4]
F -Adducts and medially rotates thigh at hip joint
Obturator Externus
O -External surface of obturator membrane and adjacent bone
I -Trochanteric fossa
In -Obturator nerve (posterior division) [L3, L4]
F -Laterally rotates thigh at hip joint