pain relief

  1. what 3 options of pain relief do we have?
    • Entonox 
    • paracetamol 
    • ibuprofen
  2. what is entonox and what are it's properties?
    • analgesic gas 
    • 50% nitrous oxide 
    • 50% oxygen
  3. what are the advantages of entanox?
    • rapid pain relief 
    • minimal side effects 
    • no cardiac or respiratory depression 
    • effects rapidly reversed 
    • 50% o2 is valuable in many medical or trauma conditions
  4. when can entanox be used and 4 examples of when it's use is beneficial?
    • any patient in pain and there are no contra indications 
    • fractures 
    • sprains/ strains/ dislocations 
    • chest pain 
    • child birth
  5. what temperature does the o2 and nitrous oxide start to sperate in entanox
    -6 degrees
  6. how should the cylinder be stored before use? and what happens if this is not practical?
    • horizontally for 24 hours 
    • 10 degrees or above 

    • temp 10 degrees or above for at least 2 hours 
    • placed in warm water for 5 minutes- then completely inverted 3 times
  7. should entanox be documented?
    • yes on PRF 
    • let hospital staff know patient has use it
  8. what are the presentations of paracetamol and ibuprofen?
    • para 120mg in 5ml
    • para 250mg in 5ml 
    • para 16 x 500mg tablets 
    • ibuprofen 16 x 200mg
  9. what are the indications of use for paracetamol?
    relief of mild to moderate pain and/or high temperature
  10. what are the indications for use for ibuprofen?
    • relief mild to moderate pain 
    • soft tissue injuries
  11. what are the actions for the 3 drugs?
    • analgesic (pain relieving) 
    • antipyretic (temperature reducing) 
    • anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen)
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pain relief
pain relief