Psychology Test Chapter 1

  1. The school of pyschology that studies how humans have adapted the behaviors required for survival in the face of environamental pressures over the long course of evolution. it focuses on traits that exist in every member of a species.
    evolutionary psychology
  2. a descriptive research method in which a single individual or a small number of persons are studied in great depth, usually over an extended period of time.
    case study
  3. a procedure in which neither the participants nor the experimenter knows who is in the experimental and control groups until after the data have been gathered, a control for experiementer bias
    Double-blind technique
  4. the school of psychology that sees humans as active participants in their environment, studies mental processes such as memory, problem solving, decision making, perception, language, and other ofrms of cognition
    cognitive psychology
  5. a phenomenon that occurs when a researchers preconceived notions or expectations in some way influence participants behavior and/ or the researchers interpretation of experimantal results
    experimenter bias
  6. the phenomenon that occurs in a experiment when a participants response to a treatment is due to his or her expectations about the treatment rather than to the treatment itslef
    placebo effect
  7. the first formal school of thought in psychology, aimed at analyzing the basic elements, or structure, of concious mental experience
  8. the orderly, systematic procedures that researchers follow as they identify a research problem, design a study to investigate the problem, collect and analyze data, draw conclusions, and communicate their findings
    scientific method
  9. an inert or harmless substance given to the control group in an experiment as a control for the placebo effect
  10. the school of psychology founded by john b. watson that views observable, measurable behavior as the appropriate subject matter for psychology and emphasizes the key role of environment as a determinant of behavior
  11. the process of objectively evaluating claims, propostions, and conclusions to determine whether they follow logically from the evidence presented
    critical thinking
  12. research conducted to seek new knowledge and to explore and advance general scientific understanding
    basic research
  13. an approach to the study of mental structures and processes that uses the computer as a model for human thinking
    information-processing theory
  14. the term Freud used for both his theory or personality and his therapy, for the treatment of psychological disorders, the unconcious is the primary focus of psycholoanalytic theory, and the therapy uses free association, dream analysis, and transfernece
  15. the school of psychology that emphasizes that individuals perceived whole is more than the sum of its parts.
    gestalt pyschology
  16. an early school of psychology that was concerned with how humans and animals use mental processes in adapting to their environment.
  17. the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
  18. research conducted specifically to solve practical problems and improve the quality of life
    applied research
  19. the school of psychology that focuses on the uniqueness of human beings and their capacity for choice, growth, and psychological health
    humanistic psychology
  20. a prediction about a cause-effect relationship between two or more variables
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Psychology Test Chapter 1
psychology chapter 1