
  1. Adho-mukha
    Downward facing.
  2. Adho-mukha svanasana
    Downward facing dog pose.
  3. Anga
    The body; a limb or a part of the body; a constituent part.
  4. Ardha
  5. Asana
    Physical posture or pose; The third stage of yoga.
  6. Asta
    The number eight.
  7. Astanga Yoga
    The eight limbs of Yoga described by Patanjali.
  8. Aum
    Like the Latin word ‘Omne’, the Sanskrit word ‘Aum’ means ‘all’ and conveys concepts of ‘Omniscience’, ‘Omnipresence’ and ‘Omnipotence’.
  9. Baddha
    Bound, caught, restrained, firm.
  10. Bakasana
    Crow; elbow balancing pose.
  11. Balasana
    Child’s pose.
  12. Bandha
    A bond or lock; it means a posture where certain organs or parts of the body are contracted and controlled.
  13. Bhakti
    Worship, adoration.
  14. Bhuja
    The arm or the shoulder.
  15. Bhujanga
    A serpent, a snake.
  16. Bhujangasana
    Cobra pose.
  17. Chakra
    Literally, a wheel or circle. Energy (prana) is said to flow in the human body through three main channels (nadis), namely, Susumna, Pingala and Ida. Susumna is situated inside the spinal column. Pingala and Ida start respectively from the right and left nostrils, move up to the crown of the head and course downwards to the base of the spine. These two nadis intersect with each other and also the Susumna. These junctions of the nadis are known as chakras or the fly-wheels which regulate the body mechanism.
  18. Chandra
    The moon.
  19. Chatur
    The number four.
  20. Chaturanga
    Crocodile; four limbs; a push-up position a few inches off the ground.
  21. Chitta
    The mind in its total or collective sense, being composed of three categories: (a) Mind, having the faculty of attention, selection and rejection; (b) Reason, the decisive state which determines the distinction between things and (c) Ego, the I-maker.
  22. Danda
    A staff.
  23. Dandasana
    Staff pose.
  24. Dhanu
    A bow.
  25. Dharana
    Concentration or complete attention. The sixth limb or stage of Yoga mentioned by Patanjali.
  26. Dhyana
    The seventh limb or stage of Yoga mentioned by Patanjali.
  27. Drisht
    A point of focus or gazing point.
  28. Dwi
    Two, both.
  29. Dwi-hasta
    Two hands.
  30. Dwi-pada
    Two feet or legs.
  31. Eka
    One, single, alone, only.
  32. Ekapada
    One legged.
  33. Garudasana
    Eagle pose.
  34. Gu
    First syllable in the word ‘Guru’, meaning darkness.
  35. Gunas
    Three forces of nature; Satva, a positive creating nature or influence; Ragas, a negative or destructive nature or influence; Tamas, the influence or nature of things to stay the same.
  36. Guru
    A guide who brings one from darkness to lightness; one who removes spiritual doubt.
  37. Ha
    First syllable of the word ‘Hatha’, which is composed of the syllables ‘ha’ meaning the sun, and ‘tha’ meaning the moon. The object of Hatha-yoga is to balance the flow of solar and lunar energy in the human system.
  38. Hala
    A plough.
  39. Halasana
    Plough pose.
  40. Hasta
  41. Hatha
    Sun/moon; balance.
  42. Hatha-yoga
    The way towards realization through rigorous physical discipline.
  43. Janu
  44. Jnana
    Sacred knowledge derived from meditation on the higher truths of religion and philosophy, which teaches a man how to understand his own nature.
  45. Karma
  46. Karma-yoga
    The achievement of union with the Supreme Universal Soul through action.
  47. Kriya
    Process; anything you can do that brings one to a state of union, yoga.
  48. Kundalini
    The Kundalini (kundala=coil of a rope; Kundalini=a coiled female serpent) is the divine cosmic energy. This force or energy is symbolised as a coiled and sleeping serpent lying dormant in the lowest nerve centre at the base of the spinal column, the Muladhara-chakra. This latent energy has to be aroused and made to ascend the main spinal channel, the Susumna piercing the chakras right up to the Sahasrara, the thousand-petalled lotus in the head. Then the Yogi is in union with the Supreme Universal Soul.
  49. Mandala
    A circle.
  50. Mantra
    A sacred word, thought or sound.
  51. Matsya
    A fish.
  52. Matsyasana
    Fish pose.
  53. Mudra
    A seal.
  54. Mukha
    Face or facing.
  55. Nama
  56. Namaste
    Commonly said at the end of yoga class by the instructor and the students.
  57. One beautiful interpretation: I honor that place in you where the whole Universe resides. And when I am in that place in me and you are in that place in you, there is only one of us.
  58. Nava
    A boat.
  59. Navasana
    Boat pose.
  60. Niyama
    Self-purification by discipline. The second stage of yoga mentioned by Patanjali.
  61. Pada
    The foot or leg; also part of a book.
  62. Padangustha
    The big toe.
  63. Padma
  64. Padmasana
    Lotus pose.
  65. Paripurna
    Entire, complete.
  66. Parivrtta
    Revolved or rotated; to twist.
  67. Parivrtta Trikonasana
    Revolved or rotated triangle pose.
  68. Paschima
    West; the back side of the body.
  69. Paschimottana
    Intense stretch of the back side of the body from the nape to the heels.
  70. Paschimottanasana
    Seated forward bend.
  71. Patanjali
    The author of the yoga sutras. The propounder of Astanga yoga. He put it on paper, so the world could experience it.
  72. Pida
    Pain, suffering, pressure.
  73. Prajna
    Intelligence, wisdom.
  74. Prana
    Breath, respiration, life, vitality, wind, energy, strength. It also connotes the soul.
  75. Pranayama
    Rhythmic control of the breath. The fourth stage of yoga.
  76. Prasarita
  77. Pratyahara
    A withdrawal from the senses; the body and mind to a focused place within; the self. The fifth stage of yoga.
  78. Purva
    East, the front of the body.
  79. Purvottana
    Intense stretch of the front side of the body.
  80. Raja
    Royal or king.
  81. Raja-kapota
    King pigeon.
  82. Raja-yoga
    The achievement of union with the Supreme Universal Spirit, by becoming the ruler of one’s own mind by defeating its enemies.
  83. The chief of these enemies are: Kama (passion or lust), krodha (anger or wrath), lobha (greed), moha (delusion), mada (pride) and matsara (jealousy or envy). The eight-fold yoga of Patanjali shows the royal road (raja-marga) for achieving this objective.
  84. Ru
    The second syllable in the word ‘guru’, meaning light.
  85. Salabha
  86. Salabhasana
    Locust pose.
  87. Salamba
    With support.
  88. Samadhi
    The eighth limb or stage of Yoga mentioned by Patanjali; a state in which all thought has completed itself.  The divine state.  A state in which one experiences union with the universal source.
  89. Samasthiti
    Standing in attention.
  90. Samyana
    The meditative process as described by Patanjali involving different states of awareness; the sixth, seventh, and eighth limbs or stages of yoga, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi, together are commonly referred to as Samyana.
  91. San
  92. Sarva
    All, whole.
  93. Sarvanga
    The whole body.
  94. Sarvangasana
    Shoulder stand.
  95. Sava
    A corpse, a dead body.
  96. Savasana
    Corpse pose.
  97. Setu
    A bridge.
  98. Setu-bandha
    The construction of a bridge. Name of an asana in which the body is arched.
  99. Setu-bandhasana
    Bridge pose.
  100. Siddha
    A sage, seer or prophet; also a semi-divine being of great purity and holiness.
  101. Sirsa
    The head.
  102. Sukha
    A lightness of being; easy.
  103. Supta
    Sleeping; supine or laying back.
  104. Supta Virasana
    Supine hero pose.
  105. Surya
    The sun.
  106. Svana
  107. Tada
  108. Tadasana
    Mountain pose; standing tall.
  109. Tan
    To stretch, extend, lengthen out.
  110. Tapas
    Burning away impurities through self-discipline.
  111. Tha
    The second syllable of the word ‘hatha’. The first syllable ‘ha’ stands for the sun, while the second syllable ‘tha’ stands for the moon. The union of these two is Hatha-yoga.
  112. Tri
  113. Trikona
    A triangle.
  114. Trikonasana
    Triangle pose.
  115. Ujjayi
    A type of pranayama in which the lungs are fully expanded and the chest is puffed out.
  116. Urdhva
    Up or upwards; to raise or elevate.
  117. Urdhva-mukha
    Upward facing.
  118. Ustra
  119. Ustrasana
    Camel pose.
  120. Ut
    A particle, denoting intensity.
  121. Utkatasana
    Chair or awkward pose.
  122. Uttana
    An intense stretch.
  123. Uttanasana
    Intense standing forward bend.
  124. Utthita
  125. Vajra
    A thunderbolt, the weapon of Indra.
  126. Vasistha
    A celebrated sage, author of several Vedic hymns.
  127. Vasisthasana
    Side plank.
  128. Vinyasa
    Flow; a physical or energy flow.
  129. Vira
    Hero; brave.
  130. Virasana
    Hero pose.
  131. Virabhadra
    A powerful warrior created out of Siva’s matted hair.
  132. Virabhadrasana I
    Warrior I pose.
  133. Virabhadrasana II
    Warrior II pose.
  134. Virabhadrasana III
    Warrior III pose.
  135. Vrksa
  136. Vrksasana
    Tree pose.
  137. Vritta
  138. Yama
    The god of death. Yama ia also the first of Patanjalis eight limbs or stages of yoga.
  139. Yamas are universal moral commandments or ethical disciplines transcending creeds, countries, age and time. The five mentioned by Patanjali are:
  140. non-violence, truth, non-stealing, continence and non-coveting.
  141. Yoga
  142. Yoga-mudra
    A posture.
  143. Yogi or Yogini
    One who follows the path to union.
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