Spanish Verbos Irregulares E-IE

  1. Alentar
    to encourage
  2. Calentar
    to heat
  3. Cerrar
    to close
  4. Desalentar
    to discourage
  5. Encerrar
    to lock up
  6. Negar
    to deny
  7. Recomendar
    to recommend
  8. Regar
    to irrigate
  9. Temblar
    to tremble to shake
  10. Tentar
    to tempt
  11. Atender
    to help - to pay attention
  12. Entender
    to understand
  13. Tender
    to hang out
  14. Encender
    to turn on
  15. Extender
    to extend- to spread out
  16. Perder
    to lose
  17. Invertir
    to invest
  18. Preferir
    to prefer
  19. Mentir
    to lie
  20. Herir
    to hurt
  21. Sentir
    to feel
  22. Resentir
    to be upset
  23. Sugerir
    to suggest
Card Set
Spanish Verbos Irregulares E-IE
Espanol Verbos e-ie ER - AR - IR