Members are authorized to use force when permitted by this policy in order to:
- 1. Prevent or terminate the commission or attempted commission of an offense;
- 2. Lawfully take a person into custody, make an arrest or prevent an escape;
- 3. Prevent a suicide or serious self-inflicted injury;
- 4. Defend the member or other person from the use of physical force; or
- 5. Accomplish some official purpose or duty that is authorized by law or judicial decree.
Graham Standard: members shall at least consider the following three criteria in making a decision to use force:
1. Threat. Whether the individual poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others. The extent and immediacy of the threat are the most important determining factors when considering the need for and type of force that may be reasonable during an encounter.
2. Severity. The severity of the crime at issue.
3. Active Resistance or Evading. Whether the individual is actively resisting control or attempting to evade. When force is used, the amount of force used, shall be reduced as resistance decreases. Only the amount of force reasonably calculated to maintain control shall be used.
Members shall not use less lethal weapons on the following persons unless the person is armed with a dangerous or deadly weapon, or is about to commit suicide, or is in the act of causing harm to themselves or others:
1. Children who are known to be, or are obviously under the age of fifteen.
2. An individual who is known to be, or is obviously pregnant.
3. A person who is known to be, or is obviously medically fragile.
Authorized uses of deadly force:
1. Members may use deadly force to protect themselves or others from what they reasonably believe to be an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury; or,
2. If necessary to prevent escape, a member may use deadly force where the member has probable cause to believe that the subject has committed a felony crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm, and the member reasonably believes the subject poses an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury to the member or others.
Category 1 force includes, but is not limited to:
- 1. All critical firearm discharges by a member, except as authorized to stop an aggressive animal or ene the suffering of a badly injured animal.
- 2. In-custody deaths;
- 3. Death as a result of member(s)' use of force;
- 4. Carotid neck holds; and
- 5. All intentional head, neck and throat strikes with a hard object or when a member strikes the head of a subject against a hard object.
Category 2 force includes, but is not limited to:
- 1. All uses of force by a member resulting in a significant injury, including a broken bone, an injury requiring hospital treatment (without admission), or an injury deemed to be serious by a member's supervisor;
- 2. Any uses of force by a member on a subject that require hospital admission due to the force applied by a member;
- 3. More than one simultaneous intentional CEW application on a subject at a time;
- 4. Three or more CEW applications to the same person;
- 5. CEW deployments on restricted persons
- 6. CEW deployments on individuals who have an actual or perceived mental illness, or who are in mental health crisis;
- 7. All launched impact munitions with contact;
- 8. Impact weapon, with injury requiring hospital treatment;
- 9. Firearm discharges to stop an aggressive animal;
- 10. Canine bites;
- 11. Takedown that causes injury requiring hospital treatment;
- 12. Riot control agents and/or area impact munitions;
- 13. Force used upon Juveniles known or reasonably assumed to be under age fifteen;
- 14. Force used upon individuals known or reasonably assumed to be pregnant;
- 15. Force resulting in a loss of consciousness;
- 16. Any strike, blow, kick or similar use of force against a handcuffed, otherwise restrained, under control, or in custody subject, with or without injury; and
- 17. Ramming as a vehicle intervention strategy.
Category 3 force includes, but is not limited to:
- 1. CEW deployment of one or two applications
- 2. Use of aerosol restraints;
- 3. Chemical agents used by SERT;
- 4. Use of impact weapon, without injury;
- 5. Physical injury or complaint of injury;
- 6. Complaint of improper force;
- 7. CEW and launched impact munitions, without contact;
- 8. Takedown
- 9. Strikes with the hands or feet; and
- 10. PIT maneuver as a vehicle intervention strategy.
Category 4 force includes, but is not limited to:
- 1. Non-striking use of baton;
- 2. Takedown performed in a completely controlled manner where there is minimal resistance and no injury;
- 3. Handcuffing against resistance;
- 4. Pointing of a firearm;
- 5. Use of hobble restraint;
- 6. Firearm discharges to end the suffering of a badly injured animal; and
- 7. Boxing in maneuver as a vehicle intervention strategy.
Supervisors shall complete an After Action report for category 2 to 4 within
72 hours of the use of force
The use of force After Action shall be completed through the RU.....
Within 21 to one days of the event.
Impact Munitions authorized uses:
1. In response to active aggression;
2. To prevent suicide or immediate physical harm when reasonable in light of available options;
3. To avoid the use of a higher level of force; or
4. To effect the capture or prevent the escape of a subject when the member reasonably believes that the subject presents an immediate risk of physical injury to the public, members or themselves, or the escape of the subject presents a significant danger to the public, members, or themselves. Mere flight from an officer is not sufficient cause for the use of the impact munitions.
Members shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that impact munitions are used on preferred target areas.
Under seven (7) yards, members will aim for the legs.
Over seven (7) yards, members will aim anywhere below the waist line except the groin.