1. An Elizabethan dance played in the "galliard form." Follows an AA BB CC pattern. It is homophonic, has a clear meter and is played on a violin
    Anonymous - "Daphne"
  2. Written by Will Kemp...and Elizabethan actor and comedian. The song may be described as "perky" or "lively" and follows a fairly strict AAB format
    Anonymous (perhaps by Will Kemp?) - "Kemp's Jig"
  3. A preface to the Sunday Mass, performed before the actual service. It entails 3 sentences, divided into 4 phrases recited in the same way. The pattern follows a strict low - high - low - high - low pattern
    Plainchant - "Vere Dignum"
  4. Meant as a service for the dead or a blessing of the corpse. Perfomed in the Mixolydian mode. The text makes reference to Lazarus, a Biblical beggar. Probably used also as a "last rites" song.
    Gregorian Antiphon - "In Paradisium."
  5. This woman wrote a book relating her religious visions. The song is written as a late medieval plainchant in a form called a sequence...a series of short tunes sun twice with a slight variation. (AA', BB', CC'.....N). The soloist sings A and then the choir sings A' and so on. There is a continuous drone running in the background...the combination produces a serene, yet intense feeling of spirituality. (Reminds me of the drone in "Hey Joni")
    Hildegard Von Bringen - "Columbia Aspexit"
  6. This is a troubadour song by an important musical poet. He served the Queen of Aquitane and is played in the Strophic form meaning it uses the same tune for each stanza which contains different words. The twanginess reminds me a lot of Soundgarden's "Half."
    Bernart de Ventadorn - "La Dousa Votz"
  7. Starts in the typical Gregorian style. It repeats the phrase "Alleluia" multiple times in "Melisma" style. A melisma is a passage of pure vocalism with many notes sung for one specific syllable.
    Perotin - "Alleluia Diffusia Est Gratis"
  8. Sung in Motet style. A sacred vocal composition based on fragments of Gregorian chants. It sounds french. There are two voices. One sings a simple underlying melody, while the other sings a more complicated "spiky" melody over the top of the simple one.
    Machaut - "Quant en Moi"
  9. A Homophonic setting of a Gregorian Hymn. A beautiful, tuneful plainchant. The song ends with the word "Amen" making it very similar to a traditional Hymn. The first word of the song is "Ave Maria Stella." It alternates with the Odd numbered stanzas being sung in a traditional Gregorian style, and the even numbered stanzas embellished with more voices and some original musical innovations.
    Guillame Dufay - "Ave Maria Stella"
  10. Similar to Ave Maria Stella in format. Designed for Corpus Cristi feast of the Eucharist. Starts with the word "Kyrie" (Lord have Mercy). Contains a short section of Polyphony before moving again in Monophony. Only a portion of the "Pange Lingua" mass.
    Josquin Despres - "Pange Lingua Mass Kyrie"
  11. Begins with the phrase "Qui Tollis" and has many "points of intimation." Mingled Homophony and Polyphony
    Josquin Desprez - "Pange Lingua Mass" Qui Tollis from the Gloria
  12. This person tried to convince the Church that composers of complicated Polyphonic church music could still set sacred words to be heard clearly by the congregation. Large and rich choir (semi-reminiscent of MOTAB). Important religious words are sung carefully and clearly.
    Palestrina - "Pope Marcellus Mass" from the Gloria
  13. A Madrigal...or short composition set to a one stanza poem with rapid turnover of ideas and images. Considered the best composer of Madrigals in ENGLISH. He puns ont he word "LONG" by having it sung longer than any other word in the song. ENGLISH. Reminiscent of They Might be Giants intro on "Flood."
    Weelkes "As Vesta was from the Latmos Hill Descending."
  14. How many "modes" of music did the Catholic church allow to be played?
  15. multiple voices or instruments singing/playing the same melodic line
  16. multiple melodic lines being played/sung at one time
  17. Simplest genre of plainchant
  18. The more tuneful of the plainchant genres
  19. Short composition to latin words made of short sections in homophony and imitative ployphony
  20. Fast dance in triple meter
  21. Solemn dance in duple meter
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