1. 640.75 Polygraph Examinations - The results of a polygraph exam are admissible in court when the exam is administered:
    A. In support of a warrant

    B. Is a condition of probation for sex offenders

    C. For probationary maintenance

    D. For bail hearings

    E. For suppression hearings

    F. For prison discipline hearings
  2. 640.75 Polygraph Examinations - The polygraph will not be used for the following:
    A. Probable cause, arrest, prosecution, or withholding of property

    B. Employment purposes

    C. On employees who are the subject of an internal or criminal investigation

    D. To examine sex crime victims as a condition of prosecution
  3. 640.75 Polygraph Examinations - Subjects that may be inappropriate for testing are in one or more of the following categories:
    A. An I.Q. that is below 70

    B. Younger than 14

    C. Is under the influence of drugs or alcohol

    D. Is pregnant

    E. Has a medical history that includes: being prone to seizures, respiratory illness, recent major surgery, recent serious injury

    F. Is experiencing non-chronic pain, such as a headache, and/or suffering from lack of sleep

    G. Has been involved in a lengthy interview or interrogation just prior to the exam

    H. Is emotionally involved in a traumatic incident. A subject in this category may be rescheduled at a later date for the exam.

    I. Has suffered a recent emotional shock, such as a loss of a job.
  4. 640.75 Polygraph Examinations - Members need to confirm that the following is completed before scheduling the exam:
    A. Ensure that a thorough investigation of the crime has been done

    B. All witnesses, victims, and suspects must be interviewed prior to the exam

    C. All reports for the case should be supplied to the polygrapher at least five days prior to the exam

    • D. Subject should be advised of the following:
    • 1. Date, time and location of exam
    • 2. Exam will typically last three to four hours
    • 3. No attorneys or other individuals are allowed to be present during the examination
    • 4. The polygraphar will explain the entire procedure to the subject at the exam appointment
    • 5. Subjects need to be proficient in English for the exam to be successful
  5. 640.75 Polygraph Examinations - Polygrapher responsibilities:
    A. The polygrapher will administer the test

    B. The polygrapher determines when an interpreter is required

    C. The polygrapher will make all arrangements for obtaining the services of an interpreter

    D. The polygrapher will generate a special report detailing the interview with the subject and the examination results
  6. 333.00 Criminal investigations of Bureau employees - Member responsibilities
    Any member who receives a complaint of criminal conduct by another member or has knowledge of any criminal conduct by a member, or has knowledge of any criminal investigation of a member, shall immediately notify their shift supervisor or any of the following:

    1. Reporting member's responsibility unit manager.

    2. Any Assistant Chief

    3. IA Captain
  7. 333.00 Criminal investigations of Bureau employees - Detective Division Commander Responsibilities
    1. Brief the AC of investigations within 24 hours of receipt of complaint for determination of investigative unit assignment.

    2. Notify the IA Captain or designee within 24 hours.

    3. Conduct monthly meetings with IA to provide IA information concerning criminal investigations, as well as provide the IA Captain with a status of the case.

    4. Ensure the original case reports are delivered to the AC of Investigation and IA Captain when the investigation is complete.
  8. 333.00 Criminal investigations of Bureau employees - AC of investigations responsibilities
    1. Ensure the Chief is informed at the outset of the criminal investigation and provide updates on active criminal investigations.

    2. Notify the IA Captain or designee and the Detective Division Commander of any member who is arrested or charged in a criminal investigation.

    3. Determine what investigative unit shall be responsible for the criminal investigation of any Bureau employee providing the alleged criminal incident occurred in the City of Portland.
  9. 333.00 Criminal investigations of Bureau employees - IA Captain responsibilities
    1. Maintain a Criminal Internal database that includes case number, complainant's name, subject member's name, name of investigators, case status, allegation summaries, and the opening and closure dates of investigations.

    2. Meet monthly with (IPR)Independent Police Review and the the AC of investigations, but shielding all IA Garrity-protected administrative investigative material from disclosure.

    3. Act in accordance with Directive 330.00, Internal Affairs, Complaint Intake, and Processing, and investigate in accordance with Directive 332.00, Administrative Investigations, upon receipt of a complaint of criminal conduct.

    4. Document delays due to protection of the integrity of the criminal investigation.
  10. 333.00 Criminal investigations of Bureau employees - The investigator shall:
    If the preliminary investigation indicates the need for further inquiry:

    1. Comport with the terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements when questioning Bureau members during a criminal investigation.

    2. Obtain, or cause to be obtained, a privatized and confidential Police Bureau case number from the Records Division Supervisor or via direct entry. If the case number is obtained by direct entry, then the investigator shall provide the case number to the Records Division Supervisor within 72 hours.

    3. Contact the District Attorney's office or other appropriate prosecutorial agency for assignment of a Deputy District Attorney or prosecutor to the investigation to coordinate investigative and judicial proceedings.

    4. The investigator shall conduct a complete and thorough investigation.
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