Music Test Chapters 1-6

  1. What is Dynamics
    The loudness or Softness of a Musical Passage
  2. Give examples of Dynamics
    PP= Pianisimo (soft)

    P= Piano (soft)

    MP= Metzo Piano (medium soft)

    MF= Metzo Forte (medium loud)

    F = Forte(Loud)

    FF =Fortissimo (Very Loud)
  3. Define Pitch
    Highness or lowness of sound
  4. What is Simple Meter?
    A mter in which te main beats are subdivided into two.
  5. Examples of simple meters?
    2/2, 3/4, 4/4
  6. What is Duple Meter?
    A meter consisting of one accented beat alternating with one unnacented beat.
  7. Give an example of Duple Meter.
    One Two, One Two
  8. Definition of tempo?
    speed of music
  9. Diatonic scale?
    Set of seven pitches represented by the white notes of the piano within one octave.
  10. Chromatic Scale
    Set of twelve pitches represented by all white and black notes within an octave.
  11. Pitch
    Quality of Highness or lowness of a sound
  12. octave
    interval between a pair of duplicating notes eight notes apart in the diatomic scale.
  13. Example of non metrical music?
  14. Interval
    distance between notes
  15. melody
    succesion of pitches
  16. Motive
    short fragment of melody used in constructing a long section of music.
  17. theme
    basic subject matter of a piece of music, some examples include a short motive or a full tune
  18. Cadence
    notes or chords that leave a feeling of conclusiveness
  19. consonance
    Intervals or chords that sound free of tension
  20. dissonance
    Intervals or chords that sound relatively tense and unstable .
  21. Definition of Texture and the different kinds?
    Blend of the various sounds and melodic lines occuring simontaniously in a piece of music.

    • - Monophony: single melodic line
    • - Homophony: one melody plus chords or another subsidiary sound.
    • - Polyphony: two or more melodic lines that are played or sung simutaneously.
  22. Modulation
    Changing key within a piece
  23. Three Stringed Instruments
    Violin Viola Cello
  24. Woodwind Instruments
    Flute, Piccolo , Clarinet, Oboe, Basoon, English Horn, Saxophone
  25. Brass Intruments
    Trumnpet, French Horn, Tuba, Other Brass Instruments, trombone
  26. Percussion
    Timpani, Triangle xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone,
  27. Keyboard Instruments
    Harpsichord, Piano, Organ,
  28. Repetition
  29. Contrast
  30. Return
  31. Symphony
    Large orchestral piece in several movements.
  32. Orchestra
    large group of instruments that play together during periods of western music.
  33. String Quartet
    Group consisted of two violins, a cello and a viola
  34. Organum
    Earliest genre of medieval polyphonic music
  35. Mass
    Main roman catholic service
  36. Kinds of Roman Mass
    • Kyrie
    • Gloria
    • Credo
    • Sanctus
    • Agnus Dei
  37. When did the middle ages take place ?
  38. Plain chant
    Unaccompanied monophonic music without fixed rhythm or meter.
  39. Gregorian chant
    Plain chant It is called gregorian chant after the famous pope and church father Gregory I.
  40. Trobadours
    South of France
  41. Trouvérs
    jongleurs found the the north of France
  42. Minnesinger
    Jongleurs from Germany
  43. Composers of Ars Nova Era?
    Phillipe De Vitry, Guillame De Machaut, Goeffrey Chaucer
  44. Renaissance Dates
  45. Paraphrase
    Modification and decoration of plain chant melodies.
  46. A capella
    Music without instrumental accompaniment.
  47. madrigal
    Main secular vocal genre of the renaissance.
  48. Kyrie
    single prayer
  49. Gloria
    long hymn
  50. Credo, sanctus
    Christians list of beliefs, sanctus is similar but smaller
  51. Agnues Dei
    Simple prayer rounding up the mass
  52. Who was Palestrina
    Composer in Renaissance age that wrote in a new style that was more simple and thus "kept music on the catholic map"
  53. Common Tempo Indicators?





  54. Common Tempo Indicators ?
    • Largo, Lento: Very Slow
    • Larghetto: Somewhat faster than Largo
    • Adagio: slow
    • Andante: On the slow side but not too slow
    • Andantino: Somewhat faster than andante
    • Allegretto: On the fast side but not too fast
    • Vivance, Vivo: Lively
    • Allegro: Fast
    • Molto Alleegro: Faster than Allegro
    • Presto: Very Fast
    • Prestissimo: Very Fast Indeed
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Music Test Chapters 1-6
Chapter 1-6 Test For "Listen 6th Edition" Book