parasites for exam 1

  1. shistosoma mansoni causes what and is also called
    • causes blood cancer
    • "blood fluke"
  2. ascaris lumbercoides
  3. trypanosoma gambianse
  4. t.cruzi
  5. necator americanus "hookworm"
  6. entamoeba coli, endolimax nana, iodomeoba butchili have what type of association. Where is it found
    • commensalism
    • inside the intestine
  7. trichonympha and holomastigote have what type of association.
    What role do they play for their host?
    what is their distinguishing feature
    • mutualism
    • breaks down cellulose to produce cellulase in cattle, sheep, goat.
    • ciliates called roman protozoa
  8. entamoeba histolytica, shistosoma mansoni, taenia solium and taenia saginata have what type of association.
  9. entamoeba histolytica causes what
    ameobic dysentry
  10. shistosoma mansoni is what type of fluke
    blood fluke
  11. taenia solium is also called
    pork tapeworm
  12. taenia saginata
    • beef tapeworm
    • requires intermediate host: eggs develop inside cow becoming larvae. larvae is eaten by man and becomes adult
  13. taxoplasma gondi, crysporidium parvum, leishmania are parasites that have what type of association?
  14. pneumocystis carinii is opportunistic under what environment and normally found in
    • found in human lung
    • people with HIV/AIDs are susceptible to infection when alveoli is blocked.
    • 60% death
  15. taxoplasma gondii is opportunistic under what environment and causes what problem
    where is it normally found in.
    • can kill HIV 
    • causes breaking of capillaries and lead to hemorrhages
    • affects human brain
  16. crysporidium parvum is opportunistic under what conditions and causes what problem?
    where is it normally found in
    • intestine
    • causes diarrhea
  17. leishmania is opportunistic under what environment and causes what problem
    • attacks macrophages in the body
    • produces necrosis factor that stimulate increase HIV virus production
  18. what parasites are somatic antigens
    • ascaris
    • entameoba histolytica
  19. ascaris distinguishing feature
    • surrounded by thick membrane called cuticle. body produces antigen-antibody
    • somatic antigen
  20. entameoba histolytica causes what and what is the treatment
    • causes bleeding in intestine, diarrhea
    • serum is used because not enough medicine goes to the liver and brain
  21. what are examples of a parasites that are vector hosts
    • anopheles mosquito (vector): causes severe itching and redness
    • phlebotomus "sand fly" (vector):  transfers leishmania (parasite), causes severe itching, redness
    • wucheria bancrofti: causes elephantiasis of lower limbs. transferred by mosquito
  22. parasites that are syvativ reservoirs
    brugia malayie "filarial worm": transfers from monkey
  23. parasite that are domestic reservoirs
    clorkis sinersisis "liver fluke": transferred from dog, cat, man to man
Card Set
parasites for exam 1
vectors of parasites, and diseases they cause