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  1. pharyngeal constrictor muscles (3)
  2. epiglottis
  3. Anterior jugular vein (or subclavian)
  4. cricothyroid muscle
    • 1. a) hyoid bone b)epiglottis c) NA d)NA
    • 2. a) thyrohyoid membrane b) NA c)NA d) Laryngopharynx
    • 3. a) thyroid cartilage b)vocal fold c) rima glotidis d) vestibular fold
    • 4. a) conus elasticus w/ mucosa b) NA c) recurrent laryngeal n. range d) trachea
    • 5. a) cricoid cartilage b) esophagus
  5. semilunar hiatus
  6. carotid sinus
  7. cranial nerve 7
  8. Common carotid artery
  9. cricoid cartilage

  10. find arytenoid
    • cricothyroid ligament
    • arytenoid: green pin on tiny cart behind thyroid cart. and sup articulating w/ crcoid cart.
  11. epiglottis
  12. etmoid
  13. external carotid artery
  14. external jugular v.
  15. external jugular vein
  16. facial nerve
  17. ethmoidal bulla
  18. middle nasal concha
  19. Ethmoid air cells
  20. sphenoidal sinus
  21. superior nasal concha
  22. choana
  23. pharyngeal tonsils
  24. torus tubiarus
  25. foramen cecum of tongue
    • 1. Superior orbital fissure: CN III, IV, V1, VI, superior ophthalmic vein
    • 2. foramen rotundum: V2
    • 3. foramen ovale: V3, Accessory meningeal artery, lesser petrosal nerve
    • 4. foramen spinosum: Middle meningeal artery and vein, meningeal branch of mand. n.
    • 5. Carotid Canal- internal carotid artery, internal carotid nerve plexus
    • 6. Internal Acoustic Meatus: VII, VIII, Labyrinthine artery
    • 7. Jugular Foramen- Inferior petrosal sinus, IX, X, XI, Sigmoid sinus, post. meningeal a.
  26. genioglossus
  27. genioglossus m.
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